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7 more chapters guys...



"I miss you babe," Brad said through the phone.

"I miss you too. The concerts looks amazing!" I enthuse.

"They certainly feel it," he chuckled, and then got cut off by a load of what sounded like screaming teenage girls. Oh how I wished I was there.

"Go, have fun," I laugh lightly, and we said our usual sign offs before hanging up.

I smiled to myself, and turned on my TV, flicking through the channels to the news - nothing else interesting was on.

I was so jealous that Jade got to go with the boys everywhere - seeing her pictures on Instagram made me envious, of concert after concert, hotel room after hotel room.

Brad and I spent hours on the phone, or on FaceTime; whatever he had the time for. When we weren't on call, we'd be spamming each other's phones. I hadn't realised temporary long distance would suck so much.

The doorbell rang and I huffed, sliding down my chair before standing up, sprinting down the stairs and throwing open the door.

In front of me, stood an old friend who I hadn't seen in years. There was a period of time we were hanging out every week, but that was before he moved towns.

"What the- hi Jack!" I stutter, surprised to see him standing there so casually.

Before I could make any more conversation, I was suddenly blinded by a flash from a camera.

"Um?" I blinked, multiple dots of colours taking over my vision. As soon as they cleared, I spotted a couple of paparazzi stood at the bottom of my drive and I swore under my breath.

"Fuck off will you?" Jack warned, and shut the door quickly. "You okay?"

"I'm fine, just partially blind," I mumble, and continue rubbing my eyes.

"You famous now or something?" He smirked as I led him into the kitchen.

"Only because I'm dating Brad," I admit, and poured out a can of beer for Jack before sitting on my counter.

"You're still the same loser though," he winked and I pretended to smack him over the head with my beer can.

"I'm surprised you're here. It's been years! How have you been doing, anyway?" I asked interestedly, and took a quick sip before handing it to him.

"Cheeky. But yeah I've been doing good - made it in photography," he moved his hands to snap an imaginary picture of me. "Maybe I'll join those idiots outside."

I giggled. "Bet you enjoy taking photos of models."

"Oh, I do," he joked, and he went to elbow me, making me swat him away.

"So, why are you here?" I ask, but before he can answer my phone begins to buzz on the table on the other side of the room, showing an incoming call.

"Here," Jack said, jogging back and forth before handing it to me. I smile a thank you and answer the call.

"Tris, hey! What's up?" I asked, swinging my legs like a child.

"We just got offered to play a few shows in Japan," Tristan panted, he'd clearly just off stage.

"Really?! That's amazing!" I cheered, Jack giving me a confused look.

"I know. But that means we'll be away longer," he fretted.

"It's okay. That's what FaceTime is for," I reassured him - and myself.

"I was gonna let Brad tell you, but I've got time before my drum solo and I really don't think that after the show he's gonna have free time for a few hours."

"It's alright, just... I don't know. Keep me updated?" I ask.

"Yeah. Right, speak later okay?" He spoke over the wild screams.

"Sure," I knitted my eyebrows together in nervousness. "Where's Brad?"

"He's on stage, I don't think he can hear anything but those crying girls," he laughed to himself. "See ya!"

"Bye!" I spoke seconds before the line went dead and I locked my phone.

"What happened?"

"They might go to Japan too, which means I have to wait longer to see them..." I sighed heavily.

"Hey, at least your old best friend is here," he joked, and gave me a quick hug.

"Thanks, mate," I smirked, and then kicked his leg lightly.

"Who was at the door lass?" My Mam asked, before spotting Jack and letting out a small shriek.

"You've grown haven't you!" She shook him a little. "Well, just look at you! And you've gotten more handsome as well!"

He was roughly about the same height as Tristan, black messy hair and these green eyes which could burn a hole into you if you stared for too long. Eyes that you could feel burning into the back of your head.

"Thanks," he ducked his head shyly, shuffling his feet around.

"Maaaam," I frowned, signalling for her to get out.

"Alright, alright. How's Brad by the way? I miss the little midget. Quite a funny lad to have around like," she chuckled to herself.

"He's on tour Mam," I reminded her.

"Ah yes. His band is quite good to be fair!" She said, making me choke on my beer.

"Quite? They're ...." I couldn't explain.

Jack mock screamed like a high pitched girl, making me cackle at his immitation.

"This is gonna be a good week," I giggled.

DMs - Bradley Will Simpson Where stories live. Discover now