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"London!" My Mam called...again.

I didn't reply, I just brought my legs up and hugged my knees to my chest.

I didn't understand why I broke up with Brad, but the words just flew out of my mouth and it was done as quick as that.

I hated myself for it, I hated what Brad had done and I hated everything.

Okay, that's a bit dramatic. But I did seriously regret it.

It was nearly half 3, and I couldn't think straight at all. How could I?

"London, what's wrong?" She repeated, entering my bedroom.

"Nothing, I'm just bored," I lied, my voice sounding thick from all the crying.

"I can tell when you're lying lass. Is it your Brad?" She said demanded.

"He's not mine anymore," I sniffled, placing my head into knees.

"Why?" Her voice softened.

"Because I broke up with him."

"Do you want to talk about it like?" She said after a while of silence.

"No," I rubbed my nose on the back of my sleeve, forgetting that was 'unladylike'.

"Alright. Just nap or something. I'll bring you a Maccies soon," she smiled, getting up and exiting.

I nodded, but I didn't think that would really cheer me up right now.

Sitting on my bed in the dark alone brought back the memory of the endless nights we spent together in LA, when everything was simpler.

I missed the feeling of when his lips were kissing mine; it felt so right. Thinking about this made me realise just how much fans would give up just to be in my place.

And I'd thrown him away, too fast. Too soon.

I slowly brought up my phone from under my bed and logged onto Twitter.

DM to @TheVampsBrad

@LondonBWS: I love you

I sighed.

One minute later, I got a notification, and I nearly had a heart attack when I saw Brad's name.

But he didn't reply to me - instead, he tweeted:

@TheVampsBrad: "Sometimes I feel like - what's the point in living when you can't be with the one you love? But then I remember I have you guys."

I slammed my fist onto my forehead, realising just how stupid I was for letting the love of my life go so easily.

DMs - Bradley Will Simpson Where stories live. Discover now