Witch Hunt

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There's always that point in life where you have to sit down and decide if your going insane. Honestly i think I've reached that point in time. Chase was pacing around the room while Carter checked over every single open skin that was showing. ''Are you positive you're alright?'' Looking down at Carter I nodded causing him to shake his head ''I mean it Autumn. You came in here crying with scratches for god sake.'' He does have a point there. He's probably freaking out about this. I know his wolf is. Alice commented. Placing my hand on his arm seemed to give him the reassurance he needed. ''Can you tell us what happened?'' Chase pleaded guilt in his eyes. None of this was his fault.

Making a motion of paper and pen in my palm he scurried to his desk before handing them to me. Lets draw them a picture. Alice barked teasingly making me smile. The conflict at hand didn't seem to bother he that much. Alpha blood my dear. Make sense..it was always difficult for me to control my mouth. The pen carelessly twirled in my hand as I looked up. Oh... Forest green and Blueish grey eyes stared intently at me. Mouthing a sorry I quickly scribbled down what had happened before passing it to them. Their eye scanned the page in record time both snapping back up. Chase's wolf thinks you have pretty hand writing. I fought back the smile as I saw Chase nod his head.

''So basically what happened is when we both left you fell back asleep. But woke up to the feeling of being watched...then that's when you saw the shadow.'' Nodding Chase nodded along before continuing. ''That's when you noticed the cuts and scrapes.'' Carter suddenly stood up walking to his phone. ''Did that shadow hurt you anywhere else?'' Chase asked softly pulling me into his lap. Shaking my head he nuzzled his cheek into mine. ''Good, I don't think me and Xavier could take it.'' A giggle escaped my lips causing a smile to spread across his lips. Wait who's Xavier? My confused look made him smile even wider. ''Xavier's my wolf love.'' That's a hot name. A gasp flew through my lips. Alice that's oh my. Chase frowned his eyebrows together. ''Alice?'' Her head flew to the side before she pushed her self forward.

''I knew it.'' Chase awed noticing Alice's deep blue eye. ''Alright, we'll see you this afternoon.'' Looking over to Carter he ran his hand through his hair signing. ''What's up Carter?'' Chase switched me onto his hip before standing up. ''We have to bring Autumn to see Mia later.'' Chase suddenly shivered holding me tighter. ''Really? She gives me the creeps.'' Carter nodded before grabbing his hoodie. ''I know but she might know what the shadow could be.'' Alice tilted her head. I wonder who Mia is. She couldn't be that bad can she? ''Here Pumpkin, Put this on.'' Carter's hoodie slipped right over my head before scrunching up at Chase's arm. ''We got to keep you warm.'' They both smiled at me before heading downstairs for breakfast.


Never in my life you I have thought that one day I would be watching Carter and Chase comparing or more like arguing over their wolf sizes. ''Mine's defiantly bigger then yours!'' Chase laughed teasingly as his brother throw a muffin at him. ''You wish mama's boy. Mason beats Xavier any day.'' Carter smirked towards him as the muffins once fluffy top crumbles against his rock.... Oh My God! Looking down a giant blush spread across my cheeks. What was I thinking?! Oh Autumn dearest there's no shame Alice laughed causing me to pout.

I don't know what you're talking about. She seemed to just get a good laugh at this as she pranced around. I'd happily take charge and gain us some ''mate points''. Groaning I couldn't help the smile that grew across my face. ''Love? Are you okay?'' Chase cautiously grabbed my hand causing me to lift my head. A simple nod gave him back his goofy smile. ''We need to get going to Mia's if we're goignt o get there by noon.'' Carter laughed softly moving a crumb off my nose.

Tilting my head he grabbed my other hand pulling us up. ''Mia lives in the west side of the territory. The only way to get there is through the forest trail.'' Chase carelessly swung our arms as we headed out the pack door. ''Meaning...I can prove ''again'' that my wolf's bigger then his.'' Chase stopped before unbuckling his belt. Turn Turn Turn! Alice flipped as I flashed turning around. He was going to just strip in front of us! Alice mumbled embarrassed her confident teasing gone. What are we supposed to do?! A sudden wolf like laughing sounded behind us causing me to turn around slowly.

Both Carter and Chase stood in their wolfs nudging my legs. That wasn't funny. Pouting I walked over to the trees carefully taking off my clothes before shifting. Finally The wind felt wonderful as I shook out my dark Auburn fur. Scooping up my clothes in my mouth I walked back to the boys. Ah there she is! Carter barked before running over. He gently rubbed against my side as Chase trotted over. He too rubbed against my other side confusing me. You're not marked yet Love. We don't need any other male wolves stealing whats ours. Chase growled softly before grabbing his clothes.

Lets get going Pumpkin. Carter took off with Me in-between him and Chase. What do you think Mia is going to be like? Alice asked keeping her attention on the surrounding trees. Shrugging I backed off a little watching as Alice took control. She can't be that bad can she? My back laid across the soft green grass relaxing. I could hear the occasional birds and animals pass by as time seemed to pass. Carter and Chase were mind linking each other while we just ran between them. I want to learn how to defend others.

Then we'll learn Alice smiled softly. Looking up I could see the faint sign of a small cottage along the tree. Its up ahead. Trading place with Alice we slowed to a stop just along the trees. This part of the woods was dark due to the amount of shrubs and trees that were built up. I really didn't like it. Chase lead me behind a tree where he turned watching for danger. Quickly changing I put on my clothes

Slowly my hand threaded through his dark brown fur. A low purring sound resonated through his body as he looked at me. ''Autumn? Chase? Come on.'' Carter called snapping us out of the moment. Running over to him we waited till Chase came over fully clothed and human. ''Stay by us Pumpkin. Alright?'' Carter smiled holding my hand. Nodding I slowly maneuvered my way behind them entering the cottage. ''Mia?'' Chase called echoing through the small space.

''Yes Alpha's.'' A women's voice appeared behind me sending me a mile into the air. Carter smiled nervously when I backed up against their chests. ''You can help us find out who this shadow was sent by correct.'' Chase wrapped his arm around my waist protectively. Mia slowly nodded, her hair bouncing along. Looking up at them I didn't see her grab my hand. I stared into her eyes tilting my head. How could she help me? A smile graced her lips causing her tribal makeup to shine. ''Oh my dearest I'm a descendent of a witch.'' Her finger grazed my forehead causing them to look bewildered. Did she just read my mind!

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