Nothing but light

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There's light, but I can't see for what there is. Nothing to satisify the empty feeling of the pain that slowly engulfs my body.

"Autumn! Get your lazy ass down here and clean this kitchen." The shrieking of laughter burned as the alpha's son laughed along with them. I've clean that kitchen thousands of times. Walking down the stairs from the attic I keep my head low as I walk pass other pack members. All cringing or throwing hateful glares my way. I've done nothing wrong. They all hate me for my apperence so similar to my parents.

It happened so suddenly no one had the chance to say goodbye. My parents had left on their regular run and never came back. Search parties and trackers were sent for them but in the end they came back empty with no answers. My mother or father didn't come back alive or dead. The elders issued it as another incident where innocent wolves are killed by rouges making there way through packs. I was only ten when it happened. Everyone loved my parents. Charished them as part of even their own families. People cried and shut down from the lost. I never cried know matter what I refused to show my tears''. Father always said tears are our secrets that should be vauled. Never has his words left me and they never will. It wasn't before long pack members hated me for my lack of tears and my apperence of my parents. Hated for keeping weakness to myself.

Soon girlish chuckles brought me out of my haze as I entered the kitchen. Carter, one of the alpha's sons, sat with a group a girls coated with their faces painted with make up.

"Look who finally showed up in her rags." Lilian sneered at me as she hooked her arm in his. Turning towards the kitchen I grabbed the cleaning spray.

"Whore.." A breathless whisper escaped my mouth as I chuckled to myself. Suddenly a sharp stinging engulfed my cheek as I bowed my head. Just breath Autumn breath.

"Who are you calling a whore you worthless piece of crap!" Another hit was thrown to my leg causing me to stumble to my left.

"You're nothing but a fat ugly slut who is a waste of space! Even your hair is dyed!" Lilian yelled as she pulled my dark red hair causing me to fall to my knees on the floor. "Completely fake dyed hair that will never compare to your mother's!" I shot my hand up catching her wrist. As I slowly stood up I began to twist her arm back as she let go of my hair. I stared down at her as she shrunk to the floor fear plastered on her face.

"You...!!" My wolf roared as my eyes flickered from brown to bright blue. No one ever talks about my mother as a insult.

"G-get off me!" She wailed as she tried clawing her hand away. "Autumn release her this instant!" Carter commanded as his alpha genes came into order. Damn him. Letting her drop the the floor I stepped over her making sure to kick her as I walked away. I'll show them I'm not there toy to kick around.

"Lilian are you alright?" Another girl asked as I walked further away. "Yeah..that bitch is crazy." She cleared her throat. "Carter when you become alpha this moon promise you'll get rid of that." She continued as it turned into a whisper. No response was heard as I ventured up the stairs to my room. She was right tonight was the day the both Carter and his brother turned seventeen and were handed down the title of Alpha's. I hate that I have to share the same birthday as Carter it makes me sick.

"Are you alright Autumn?" Chase's voice asked as he stood in the door frame. Chase's was the one and only person that was nice to me in the pack. Nothing like his asshole of a brother. Carter and Chase have completely different styles.

"Y-yeah." I cringed as my voice craked. A hand on my cheek caused me to turn and look at him.

"Who did that to you?" Chase's asked upset as he ran his thumb over my cheek where I was slapped. Shaking my head I smiled the best I could for him. Signing he grabbed my hand and tugged me into his room. Passing through his room we entered his bathroom.

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