That's my Girl

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Chase's P.o.v

Time seem to slowly tick by as I flicked my pen between my fingers. Damn I couldn't wait to get out of here. Autumn's probably bored out of her mind or something. I know I was. Glancing back at Carter he smiled as he continued to chat on the phone with the near by alpha.

Huffing out a sign I plopped back onto the chair. I wonder what Autumn was doing. She couldn't still be watching her anime show. "Chase why are you just sitting there?" Carter voice suddely popped up startling me. "God Carter you scared me half to death." Carter scoffed before playfully smirking at me. "You're such a scardy cat Chase." Leaning forward I growl mockingly. "I am not. You're face and voice just scares the living shit out of everyone." Laughing as he fell back against his seat holding his hand to his chest.

"Oh the shock of it said out loud. My heart it stings at the confession." Dashing up I grabbed his head into a lock and fell onto the floor with him. "You evil being!" Carter laughed as we began twisting and wrestling on the floor. "Hey that was my hair." I whined as he smirked and continued to mess up my hair. "Suck it loser." He laughed. "Why you!" Our work was forgotten as we messed around on the floor. "Boys I was about to make a nice dinner for Autumn and want to.....What are you two doing?" The commotion stopped as mom was standing in the doorway with a surprised look plastered on her features.

"Mom I swear it was all Carter!" I pushed him off as I rolled on to my knees. "You're such a big fat lier. It was all you!" Carter countered back as he copied my position. "Uhu. Well stop fooling around and go get your guys mate." She turned and began making her way down the hall. "I swear those boys." Moms grumbling was heard down the way as a smirk plastered on my lips. Time to go see Autumn. Hopping up I straightened my hair and rushed out the door. He's going to have to beat me to her.

Deep in thought I was knocked to the side as Carter pushed past. "Autumn! Its time for dinner!" He yelled down the hall. Speeding up I tackled him causing him to land on his stomach. "Don't worry honey you look fabulous. Trust me there going to love it." A male voice assured as I squinted my eyes. Who the hell was that with my Autumn. Carter lifted his head with his eyes narrowed as we looked as our new bedroom opened. Noah stepped out pulling onto a small wrist that seemed to pull back in caution.

"There it wasn't so bad now." She was the most beautiful thing I ever seen. "Wow.." Carter breathed as Autumn stepped out in a light green sweater and a pair of yoga baby shorts. Her hair was braided with a bownto match her sweater. "Look Darling you have them drooling at the sight." I was drooling. Autumn snapped her head up with a light pink dusting her cheeks. Standing up quickly I wiped the drool of the corner of my lips before clearing my throat. "You beautiful." Carter agreed as he stood up next to me.

Her eyes shot shyly downwards smiling slightly. Noah pushed her softly towards us smiling. "Have a good dinner dear oh and remember to strut." He laughed as he walked back down the hallway disappearing from sight. Her giggling filled there air as he called out. "Noah sure is something." Autumn nodded at Carter's statement as he pushed her into a sideways hug. "I missed you pumpkin." He smiled down at her as she returned his hug. "Now now hey where's my hug love." I whined as she laughed and ran into a hug. Hugging her securely she nuzzled deeper.

"Are you hungry?" I asked as she let go and we started to walk down the stairs. She shrugg her shoulders as the smell of pasta filled the air. "You don't have to eat that much. How about a small plate?" Carter asked wrapping his arm around her. Nodding she leaned against him for support. Voices filled the air as she stopped. A panic look appeared as she began to push back. "I'll get them to leave pumpkin. It's alright." Carter patted her head softly before walking away.

Carter's P.o.v

Walking into the kitchen a disgusted look plastered on my face. Lillian sat at the table twirling a cup with her fake nails. Her friends surrounded her as they shrieked with laughter and gossip. "Lillian its Carter." The closest girl to her whispered. Lillian snapped her head to me gleaming. "Babe I was waiting for you. Did you set this dinner for us?" She asked as she ran up to me.

"No I didn't. You and all your friends need to leave." Shaking her grip from my arm she frowned before perking up again. "Oh I get it. Alpha and family dinner stuff. Maybe another time." Shaking my head I glared at her. "No this dinner is for my family and my mate that's coming right now." At the word mate her eyes darkened. "Your mate is coming? What are you talking about? I'm right here." She won't give up will she.

Opening my mouth to argue back Chase's voice echoed down. "Shh don't cry Autumn. It'll be okay I promise. Carter going to have them leave Love." Lillian's friends whispered and gasped together as they stepped towards the door. "That...that girl." Lillian whispered and sneered. "Leave NOW!" I commanded causing her to growl before turning and stomping her way out. Blowing out a sign I called up to them. "They left now Pumpkin. Come on down." The two of them stepped out as Autum tried to wipe her tears. Pulling out a seat for her I wiped her face before kissing her head. "Ahh my baby Autumn. Boys sit down and let's have dinner as a family." Mom called out as she stirred a salad in her arms. Sitting on the other side of her I smiled with Chase at her. Yeah dinner as a family.

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