Building something new

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Autumn's P.O.V

Sitting down in between Carter and Chase I folded my hands neatly into my lap. I wasn't used to eating like this. "Mom has the best pasta in the world." Chase whispered excitedly into my ear. I smiled lightly at his excitment. I watched as Carter began to help his mom serve food. As Carter sat down Chase rubbed his hands together as his plate was piled up with food. Carter mimicking his hunger. Those to were so much alike. As we all settled down they started to chat about random things. I started to relax as I nodded at their questions and making sure they knew I was paying attention.

"So Autumn Dear, when am i going to have my grand babies running around?" Their mom smiled innocently at me. I nearly choked on the small piece of lettuce I was eating. "Mom!" Carter blushed. "You can't just ask that! Its embarrassing." Chase accused as their mom laughed at her sons. "Its normal for mates to have pups. Autumn is your guys mate so..."
Her voice came grinding halt when a furious growl errupted from the entryway. My eyes widened as I slowly turned my head around.

"Carter step away from that girl!"
Chase brought me into his side as he stood up. Carter sneered up at his father. "What the hell is your problem dad! She's not just some girl, she's my mate!" They both stood in front of each other anger showing extremely in their eyes. "That girl isn't your mate. Lillian is your mate!" As if on cue she stepped into the doorway smirking. Tears clouded my eyes as flashback from her attack reappeared.

Calm down Autumn Alice called as my breathing became ragged. Just breath Struggling to inhale air I looked around the room frantically. "Jason! Autumn is Carter and Chase's mate! Why can't you except that?" Chase moved us closer to his mother. Creating distance between the two furious alpha males. "Catherine stop protecting her!" Jason growled over at his mate. Catherine narrowed her eyes at him before taking me into her hold. Carter grabbed his father shirt collar and lifted him up. "Shit. Mom get Autumn somewhere safe." Chase ordered as Carter's eyes turned black.

Wait, i dont to leave without them! Reaching my hand out I tried to grasp his arm. "Come on Dear." Catherine rushed us out the back door. No I don't want to! My chest started to heave as it became harder to breath. She will never be good enough for you Carter! She's a pale comparison to her wonderful mother and a disappointing disgrace to her fathers good name!" Jason's shouts could be heard as my vision became fuzzy. Time fadded from my perspective. Slipping into the protective world I've created into my mind.

My vision came to as I sat on my knees inside my mind. Lifting my hand I felt the tears that ran down my face. Mom.....Dad....Sobs shook my body as my emotions finally caught up with me. Gasping for air the tears kept coming at a rapid pace. Autumn...breath Her tail wrapped around my form. I want my mom! I wanted my Dad! Images flickered around the forest at a rapid pace creating a blur of voices and memories. Autumn! I can hear them. The screams of pain that have been building up inside. Autumn!..... Its a mess. I'm a huge pathetic mess.

" alright" Shaking my head I listened. Mom... "Let me see those pretty brown eyes" The voice was soft... Opening my eyes slowly the chaos of voices disappeared. "Their they are. Those pretty brown eyes of yours." Catherine came into view as my vision cleared. She wiped the tears from my cheeks as she smiled softly. Leaning into her hand I began to regain the air into my lungs. "Breath deeply and slowly." Doing as she instructed I grabbed her hand squeezing it. My mind is falling apart.
"I'm sorry sweetie bell." Her voice was wobbling as her lip quivered. "Your mother left me to take care of you. I failed her...I failed you." Her arms pulled me into a tight hug as she cried. "I thought you left. That's what everyone told me." I wouldn't leave. "You mom was such a wonderful person. As well as your father." I could feel the soft movement of her hand running through my hair. "I miss your mom so much. Every time I look at you I see her. Such beauty and kindness." Closing my eyes I moved my body closer. A mother warmth and comfort. "I'm promise I'll be here for you. I'll be your second mother. Whenever you need someone I'll be here."

Nodding my head softly I wrapped my arms around her. "I'm so glad your my sons mate. They will finally have a women that can beat them into place." She softly laughed as I lifted my head giving her a weird look. "I'm kidding...sort of." Laughter broke out as I sat up from our hug wiping my eyes. "Let's have some girl time just for us." Catherine smiled. Standing up she grabbed my hand. "Lets go for a run. Maria been stuck inside for to long." Nodding I smiled. Maria's a pretty name for a wolf. Alice is much prettier Alice huffed as I laughed. Catherine looked up from taking off her shoes and raised her eyebrows. I made ears with my hands showing her it was Alice's fault.

Smiling she began to move her clothes into a neat pile. Quickly putting my clothes by hers she turned back to me. "What's your wolfs name?" Smiling I wrote in the dirt by my feet. "Alice that's a pretty name." Told you Alice laughed as we shifted and began to run. The trees pasted by as we gained speed. I could feel Alice standing beside me as we ran together body and mind. I'll race you I heard as Catherine went slightly ahead. Nodding I gave Alice more control as the forest zoomed by me and Catherine side by side. Looking at her she pushed forward as I saw the opening of the trees.

Smirking we bolted forward clahing together as we tried to squeeze between the trees opening. Twisting together we rolled across the grass laughing. I collapsed on top of her slightly. Panting I looked down to see her give a wolfish smile. We made no move to get up as the wind blew around us. Our breathing slowed as my eyes began to get heavier. All to soon I drifted into a peaceful sleep.


Thank you LaGabBarbera for helping me create ideas for this chapter. I appericate it.☺

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