Everything's Shattered into Something New

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                                       Carter on the side....

After continues attempts Chase had finally given up and touched his forehead to mine. Closing his eyes he breathed in deep calming both of us down. With my eyes closed it felt like nothing but the connection between us were around.

  "Autumn..." A soft voice called from Carter as I felt the uneasy presence to my side. Opening my eyes I stared into Chase's breath taking green eyes. He smiled before lofting his head from mine. The warmth instantly vanished as he pulled away.

    "We should get you to bed." He looked over at Chase and returning back to me. Nodding shortly I clasped my nails into the wet sweater that I was wearing. A hand came from the side of my eye causing me to flinch as it softly gripped my arm.

  Struggling against his hand Carter swiftly let go. His face fell as guilt began to slowly peek within me. Scowling myself I vanished all guilt I felt. He is going to get of me. Lilian was doing this as a favor for her new alpha.

   "You might want to get out of those wet clothes. Don't want you catching a cold." Chase broke the silence as the awkward silence grew. I began following after him we came out into the few distant voices that remained to clean up the ceremony.

   Relief instantly flooded through me as I wouldn't have to face the huge crowd.  Chase and Carter were greeted respectfully to have a good night. Moving my hair it sheilded my face from them until we were inside the dull lit house.

   Carefully I moved pass them and tried to make my way towards the attic. A soft gentle hand placed itself on my head. Turning Chase chucked as I stared at him confused. "You don't have to stay up there anymore. You should have never really up there to begin with."

    I wasn't sure what emotion I should express. Happy... Sad... Relieved? Where was I supposed to go. "We'll walk you up and leave you to change and grab a few things. When your ready you can come stay in our rooms." Carter clarified cautious of doing something wrong.

    Nodding I turned and made it up the steps to the attic. They both flanked by my sides. The low creaking noise of the door echoed as I made my way into my room. "We'll leave you be to figure out everything." Carter scanned over the small space before turning towards Chase.

   The two slowly left leaving the atmosphere cold and quiet. The once electric that flew through the air dissolved. Peeling off the clamy jeans and sweater I kicked them to the side of the room. A pair of overly size sweatpants and a sweater took their place.

    Brushing through my hair I took a deep breath before I began to make my way out of the attic. The moon light shown through the window as I took slow steps down the hallway until I came to a stop. The familiar door of the room stared straight at me.

  I had no idea how long I stood hesitating outside until the door slowly opened. Chase's smiling face greeted me as it fully exposed. "Come on you must be exhausted." Grabbing my hand lightly he carefully pulled me inside.

  The room was dark with only the moon reflecting off glass to help guide us. Chase let go of my hand as he began to slip into his bed. I continued to stand there unsure if I should follow. He glanced up at me before chucking.

  Chase became a blur as I was lifted into the. The soft sheets rushed under my back causing a gasp to excape my lips. I was caged into strong warm arms circling my waist. The over powering smell of lemons and rain caused tension to slip away.

    Signing deeply he buried my head into his chest. "Goodnight Autumn..." Chase grew quieter as his breathing slowed to a steady rythem. Nodding the soft bed and his smell began to lull me into the blanket of darkness that was desperately needed.

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