Chapter 8:

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Chapter 8:

"Stef, it's not the end of the world," Damon tells him. Stefan kept on whining.

"I'm sorry but I'm so confused," Alaric says as he shakes his head, trying to figure out what is going on right now.

The guys stop walking and Stefan turns to Alaric. He looks like he's going to be sick and pass out at the same time, he then chokes out,"I made love to a man...with boobies."

Damon gets in front of Stefan and says,"Listen, I promise you no one is ever going to find out about this."

"But we just found out about it," Stefan whines as he shifts side to side.

"And then we forgot! That's what we do!" Damon tries to cheer him up.

I've honestly never seen Damon so nice to his brother, either the drugs is affecting him this way, or he just wants to get Stefan under control so we can find Jeramy and leave this god forsaken city.

"I've done so much fucked up shit and I just forget about it!" Damon chuckles.

"Yeah?" Stefan spoke unsure.

"Yeah," Damon smiles and nods.

"You just forget. It goes away!" Stefan starts laughing and whining at the same time.

"That might be hard to go away but in time it'll happen!"

"It might..." I mutter, I really doubt you can forget THAT.

Damon sends me a glare.

I shrug and put on a smile,"But hey you got forever to get over it."

Stefan nods,"That's what I'm gonna do," Stefan says with difficulty,"Just gonna forget about it."

"Never happened," Damon promises him, he then turns around and quickly walks to me. Just when he's about to speak a cell phone starts ringing.

He turns back to the guys,"Phone! Phone! Who is it?" he asks urgently.

Stefan grabs his cell phone.

"Answer it!" Damon tells him.

"It's Elena," Stefan says as he reads the caller-ID.

"Answer it!" Damon shouts as he walks back to Stefan.

I cross my arms and squeeze my eyes shut, jeez can't she just give us a break.

"I can't," Stefan says.

"What?" Damon asks and grabs his shoulders,"She might know something about Jeramy, come on. We still have a shot here."

"Can't," Stefan whines softly.

"Get your head back in the fucking game Stefan!" Damon tells him a little threateningly.

"Damon she's just going to freak out and start yelling at us.....ok you what just answer it Stefan," I say giving up.

Stefan answers his phone.

"Hello?" he says trying to sound normal.

Damon walks back to me and squats beside me. I don't look at him. After a moment he tilts my chin to the right so I can look at him. My eyes stare at the ground but slowly meet his blue ones.

"Don't worry Sara we'll find him and get back to the resort," he assures me.

I lean onto him,"Just get me out of the fucking sun!" I mutter.

He chuckles and covers my face from the sun with his arm.

"Uh...Jeramy's seasick actually," Stef spoke,"Oh that's weird because he is puking everywhere."

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