Chapter 4:

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Chapter 4:

We slam the doors open and run across the roof, searching for Jeramy. After calling his name about a hundred times we came to the realize that he's not here.

"You guys see anything?" Damon asks us in a yell.

"No!" Alaric replied.

I looked behind some stone poles but he's not here. Slowly we all walk back to Damon who's looking at the city.

"He's not here," Stefan exclaims.

I cross my arms as I also stare at the city.

"I can't believe this is happening again!" Stefan whines and slaps his legs.

Damon turns to him and sighs,"Alright, look," he begins. Stefan turns to him with a frown."We'll handle this. We did this before, we can do it again."

Stefan shakes his head quickly,"No, No, This is worse, we found his finger! He's Elena's little brother. He's lost, he's injured. I fuck this up and I lose everything."

"Okay, let's just calm down for a second," I sigh,"We survived Vegas, we can do this. Let's just think back about what we did than."

Damon gives me a smile,"Good thinking babe."

I stare at him oddly.

He frowns for a second and sighs then turns to Rick,"Alaric check your pockets"Damon orders him.

"What?" Alaric asks confused. We all walked to a stone pole and checked our pockets.

"You know the drill, come on," Damon says.

"Check your phones. Numbers, texts," Stef orders and looks at the items he pulled out.

I check through my pockets then feel around in my bra and pull my cell out. The guys all stare at me.

"What?" I ask confused. They eyed at my chest before looking back in my eyes again. I shrug,"If a woman doesn't have any pockets or whatever to keep her phone and other shit, she puts it there. It's not a big deal."

Damon smirks at me, looking back at my chest then looking at his phone. I roll my eyes, ugh perveted vampire!

"I got nothing."

"Fuck!" Stef sighs.

I look through my texts but I also don't have any new ones,"I also got nothing." I sigh and place my phone on the pole.

"I got a text from Chow!" Alaric suddenly says.

"What time?" Stefan asks and looks at him.

Alaric frowns and replies,"Uh...10 o'clock last night?"

"Well what does it say?" I press. We all stopped searching and looked at Alaric.

Hesitation and confusion is written on his face as he speaks,"On my way, niggas," he looks up and realizes what it means,"Oh niggers. Okay. Hip-hop."

I couldnt help but crack a smile at that.

Silence surrounds us for a second. Stefan turns away from us and starts kicking the air. Damon leans against the rail behind us. I walk over to him and poke his shoulder, he looks at me with a slight smile.

"Uh your shirts unbuttoned," I tell him.

He frowns and looks down, he starts buttoning it back up while grumbling something about hating Klaus.

While Damon silently curses out Klaus, Alaric looks at his text.

Stefan turns back to us and speaks,"We are so fucked!"

The monkey climbes on one of the stone poles and it looks like he grinned. Alaric laughs softly,"Hey Damon?" Alaric taps Damon's arm.

"What?" Damon asks irritated.

Alaric points at the monkey,"Look who's back."

"Who cares about the fucking monkey!" I yell annoyed.

Alaric turns to me and the corner of his lips tug down. Damon sighs and rubs Alaric's bald head,"We gotta get you out of the sun," he says and looks around.

The guys and I all grab our items again and shove them back in our pockets, and in my case my bra.

I quickly walk to the door and we all go back to the room, thinking of what to do. A couple minutes pass by and Stefan and Damon are arguing whether we should stay in the room or go outside. I'm actually not too fond of staying inside. I need to get some fresh air. It is way too stuffy in here.

"Well maybe Jeramy is walking somewhere outside! We can look for him there!" Damon argues with his brother again. Stefan gets off the couch and walks to the bedroom while yelling,"We can get lost out there! Then we'll never make it back to try and find Klaus, for all we know he could already have the sword and be back in Mystic Falls!"

Damon quickly walks after him and yells back,"Well staying in this hotel room doesn't exactly help either! I couldn't fucking careless about the little druggy but I know if I don't help you'll give me shit about it forever and Elena will also."

Same thing I've been thinking of. Jer is my friend, or was...but I would much rather leave or go look for Klaus but the Elena will get even more bitchy and make everyone gang up on me so I'd probably have to end up leaving Mystic Falls, which I like living in for the time being. Well mostly because of Damon and Stefan's nice house.

Stefan sighs and stops walking. He turns back to his brother with a serious but irritated expression. Slowly he walks back to Damon and Damon crosses his arms.

"Listen, it might be possible that if Jeramy is out there he'll come back to this room and what if we're not here, huh? What are we going to do then?" Stefan asks.

Damon's eyes scan the room, thinking about his answer. He shrugs and replies,"We'll go back."

"How do you know if Jeramy is here?" Stefan continues asking and also crosses his arms.

Damon sighs and lets his arms fall to his sides while replying quite irritated,"I don't know alright! All I know is that I'm getting sick and tired of staying in this room with this god damn heat!" he yanks at his black shirt in frustration and warmth.

Feeling like I need to do something to calm him down, I glance around and notice a bucket of melted ice. I smile evily, I silently grab the bucket then walk over to Damon from behind. I then dump the bucket of slightly cold water over his head.

He jumps forward startled,"Holy fuck!!" he shakes the water from his head and turns around.

He sees me trying to contain my laughter like the rest of the guys. He glares at me and I shrug while giggling,"Just trying to help cool you down," I say innocently.

Damon actually smiles slightly while still trying to look angry and turns back to Stefan.

"How about this guys," I say breaking their death stares at each other. I go to a table where a small note pad and pen is and start writing,"We leave a note for Jeramy saying we went to look for him and if he comes back to give us a call."

Damon gives me a smile,"That's smart Sara," he says,"That deserves....a big hug!"

Before I can run he lifts me off the ground and hugs me close to his chest that is soaking with water.

"Ahh!" I shriek and try to push him away.

He chuckles and holds me tighter, he turns to Stefan,"There you go problem solved, now lets get out of here and go look for him."

With that pleasing Stefan we head out into the city hoping to find Jeramy.

Oh and Damon's still carrying me, trying to squeeze the water out of his wet hair on mine -_-


Hope you like it.




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