Chapter 5:

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Chapter 5:

After walking for about 15 minutes, Stefan and Damon started arguing again. I think the heat is starting to get to them and losing Jeramy isn't helping either with Stef. The only thing we're doing is walking around and having to stop to buy Alaric a hat.

I cross my arms and look at all the little stands we're passing by.

"Damon I really think we should go to the American Consulate," Stefan said.

"For what?" Damon instantly shot back,"Report a dead body that's shoved in an ice machine?"

"What are we gonna do? Keep walking around in circles?" Stefan raises his voice as he gets irritated again,"That's real productive."

"I'm trying to figure this thing out here and your attitude is not helping," Damon tells him angrily as the monkey climbes on his shoulder.

Stefan turns to Damon and manages to not yell yet,"Well I'm sorry! Its a hundred degrees and we don't have a plan. All we've done is buying him a hat and a soda!" he says pointing to Alaric.

"What, it's a can of Fanta!" Alaric says from behind us as he pokes with his straw in his can of Fanta.

I look back at the guys and see Damon turning to Stefan and he says angrily,"What do you want to do Stefan?"

"I don't know!" Stefan replies.

"Well then stop yelling at me like it's my fucking fault!" Damon yells at him.

"It is your fault!" Stefan yells furiously.

Damon looks confused,"How the fuck is this my fault?" he shouts,"It's your crazy ass girlfriend's little dipshit druggy brother's fault!"

I quickly get between them and push them a little away,"Hey, hey, calm down."

A cell phone starts ringing and we all stop walking. Damon doesn't pay attention to Stefan anymore.

"Shit, shut up!" he tells us. He answers his phone,"Matt, talk to me!"

I turn back to Stefan and place my hands on his arms. Stefan keeps looking away. I know he is irritated but Damon is right, his attitude isn't helping. Stefan needs to get over it,"Calm down, okay?" I tell him softly.

"I don't wanna calm down!" Stefan yells in my face.

My anger flys and I slap him hard!(they say that helps people that are freaking out, anyways I wanted to slap him)."Hey! Shut the fuck up, you don't have to yell at me, I'm standing right in front of you!" I hiss through my teeth.

Stefan looks shocked that I slapped him but he sighs and places his thumb and index finger on the bridge of his nose. After a moment of thinking he looks back at me."I'm sorry," he apologizes.

"Ah, thank god," Damon sighs in relief.

We all quickly turn to Damon and look curiously at him. Damon looks at us,"They found him!"

I raise my hands up in the air and cheer,"Yes!"

"What happened?" Damon asks Matt,"Arrested? For what? Seriously?"

Slowly Stefan and I turn back to Damon, knowing this isn't good.

Jeramy was arrested? What did we do last night that got him arrested?

"Okay, okay. I'll call you when we get there," with that said Damon hangs up.

He looks at us and smirks,"We're gonna get Jeramy back," he says. Stefan starts smiling widely."He is in jail but he's fine. We gotta get a cab."

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