#140 Distorted Thinking of the Mercury Signs

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Aries Mercury:  The fortuneteller error  (predicting a certain outcome and already treating it as fact)

Taurus Mercury:  Tradition bias  (thinking that which is old,  established, or has tradition is automatically superior or safer)

Gemini Mercury:  Labeling  (putting everything into clearly defined categories, as if life was a lab experiment)

Cancer Mercury:  Emotional Reasoning  (concluding that emotions are reality, that the way you feel reflects the truth of the situation)

Leo Mercury:  Personalization  (interpreting everything as a reaction to or opinion about you, talking opinions personally)

Virgo Mercury:  Filtering  (taking out negative details and magnifying them)

Libra Mercury:  Fallacy of Fairness  (making sure that everything is 'fair and even', even though it's not that logical or fair in a particular situation)

Scorpio Mercury:  Polarizing  (only black and white, good or bad, perfection or failure, no middle ground, all or nothing thinking)

Sagittarius Mercury:  Overgeneralization  (coming to a general conclusion based on a single incident and preaching it without sufficient factual evidence)

Capricorn Mercury:  "Should" Statements  (holding on to dogmas/rules of how things or people should/ought to be, rather than seeing how they are)

Aquarius Mercury:  Anti tradition bias  (thinking that that which is old, established, or has tradition is automatically inferior or outdated)

Pisces Mercury:  Heaven's Reward fallacy  (expecting all your sacrifice and self-denial to pay off, as if somebody was keeping score)

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