Chapter Thirty-Five: Popcorn

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Dedicated to lauradote.  Thanks for following and commenting!!  

This chapter is about popcorn.  Because I'm obsessed with it.

I went to the movies a couple days ago (I wrote about it too, it's a couple chapters back), and my friend and I got a medium popcorn to split right?  So then I start chowing on it during the first part of the movie, and then I look down and it's like halfway gone!  So I hand the bucket to my friend.

"Here, take this so I don't eat it all."

So then for maybe half an hour I would only take like, 1 or 2 pieces.  But then my friend wasn't really taking any, and it was awkward to have to reach over all the time, so I grabbed the bucket back.  And I seriously ate like 3/4 of that bucket of popcorn.  I've got a problem.  Popcorn is just one of those things I can't stop eating until it's gone, and then I crave it for like an hour after.

I love the sound of the word popcorn.  It just has a cool sound.

Today, we had popcorn for snack, and my mom gave me my own bowl because everyone else is eating outside.  And it's not necessarily a small bowl either.  It's been like 10-15 minutes, and almost all the popcorn is gone.  My little sister had a bit, and my mom took a little, but once again I've eaten the most.  Ugh.

I feel like I'm such an unhealthy person.  I eat tons of junk food and I don't exercise enough.  I mean, I exercise, but not enough.

So popcorn is really bad for me, because it's buttery and popcorn-y and I eat so much of it.  I need to go for a run.  A long one.

But that's where the main problem is, because I'm too lazy to want to run right now.  It's hot outside and the air conditioning is on, why would I want to leave my house and run?  I will go for a walk though, I'm going to make myself.

Anyway, I need to stop eating popcorn.  Any suggestions?

Sun Burn Update: I went swimming again today.  My shoulders are red and my right shoulder is peeling slightly.  My face is also peeling again.

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