Chapter Twenty-Five: Lonely

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Dedicated to lena615.  Thanks for following!!  Your profile pic makes me hungry for gummy worms!

Hey people!  I've got some numbers for you!




Anyone guess what these numbers are??  

 187 - the number of reads on this story.  

Hey that's a lot!  Thanks for reading guys!!!

 3- the number of votes on this story.

3?  3?  I've got 187 reads but only 3 votes.  How does that work?  Unless you guys don't like this story.  I guess I don't blame you, this is a story about me and I'm not all that interesting, no matter how many time I try to convince you otherwise.  But honestly, my new life goal is to get 5 votes on this story.  Sheesh, that shouldn't be that hard, but after a month or two I've only gotten 3 votes, so who knows how long this will take to get 5.

 32 - the number of comments on this story.

That actually isn't bad!  Thanks for commenting!!  I figure at least half of these are my comments replying to your comments, but still, 16 is pretty good.  :)  But let's be honest.... many many many of these chapters have no comments at all.  Aww, poor lonely chapters!!  I have an idea!  We should go back and comment on them so they have some comments as companions!  Hey, great idea!!

 In case you haven't gotten it, the main point of this chapter was to try and get people to comment.  I post a new chapter at least once a week and most of the time, I don't get a comment on that chapters!  I'm lonely people!  Dying for some human communication!!  Or robot!!  I'll talk with you if you're a robot!!  But you have to comment first!!

Okay, I'll give you some happy, larger numbers.

782 - the number of reads on Average.  Holy crap guys!!  Can I thank you enough???

78 - the number of votes on Average.  Again, wow.  Thanks!!!!!

156 - the number of comments on Average.  Hello all you talkative people that comment on Average!!!  Thanks a bundle and a bunch!!  Now could you come and comment on this story?  ;)

Alright, so I'm sorry for using this chapter to try and get comments from you guys, but I had to do something!  I know you read this story.  I've got 187 reads and only half of those are me!!  Dont' be a ghost reader!!  Comment!!

I'll go now.

*This message was sponsored by Average.  The story of an average girl.  Or is it?*

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