The Cruelty

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I watched as my life flashed in front of me, swirling into gray tones and white tones. My life was once again a mess. Frightened at my visions, I jumped slightly in my bed.

"What?" Drew groaned. "What's wrong?"


"Well something has to be wrong," he said in a matter-of-fact tone. It was actually kind of annoyingly shrill...

He poked my stomach, "You have to tell me what's wrong for me to fix it."

I sighed and looked into his eyes, my mouth moved, but nothing came out. There were no words. I was like a fish out of water, gasping, uncertain.

"I don't know what's wrong with me. I just don't know," I grumbled.

He twisted his hand around mine. And I looked to his face which was emotionless. He was like a rock. There was nothing. The life had just been sucked out of him. He cleared his throat.


"No," I smiled, "The doctor said no. She said -" But I blinked. What if she lied to me? It was like a rock was dropped in my stomach. Would a doctor lie to their patient? Well, more like could a

"What did she tell you?!"

"What?" he scrunched his eyebrows up.

I slapped him across the face, "Did she tell you I was pregnant?"

"N-no, I just thought. All the throwing up, the moodiness, the sleeping... I don't know. But babe, I just wanted you to know, if you are, I will still be here for you. Even though your baby wouldn't be mi-"

"I'm not pregnant!"

"Let me finish," he sighed. "Even though your baby wouldn't be mine, I would still be responsible. You know I will always be there for you. Always."

"I'm not pregnant!" I repeated.

"We can go check and make sure? It would make me feel better."

I put my head in my hands, "Will you shut up about it?"



He stood up, smoothing out his red and white plaid shirt. He laughed and picked me up off the bed in one swoop. Drew's lips met mine in a quick touch.

Why did he want to check? The doctor doesn't lie. Unless he thought I was a liar. I wouldn't lie to him. Right, because what reason would I have to lie? I mean, unless I was hiding... unless I was actually pregnant. Which I'm not. I'm not pregnant. I'm not. He carried me down the stairs and out to his car. Somehow, he opened the door with his foot. But when I saw who was in the back seat, I screeched.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS HE DOING HERE?!" I struggled against Drew. Xander was right in the back seat. Smiling like the sick bastard he was. Some how he was happy about this? About how much pain he put me in? Ass hole.

"Calm down, he's just coming for a ride with us. We're going to get some ice cream."

"Drew, it's," I looked for the sun in the sky, but it wasn't even there, "It's late?"

He chuckled and leaned into my ear, "That's why we're going to get ice cream." He placed me down in the passenger's seat before walking around and jumping through his window into the driver's seat.

I didn't exactly understand his. lingo. but I guess. Whatever.

"So how are you?" Xander asked.

Drew laughed, "Shut up, Al. Or should I call you Allie?"

"Fuck you."

"Already did. Or was that your mother?"

He drove faster, taking us into that one part of town that I didn't know that well. Well, if there was an ice cream place, I should learn... I should memorize the way there. It didn't help that I was already lost.

We were in an alley and he shut off the car.

"Where is the ice cream?" I frowned.

"Hold on," he smiled and pulled the keys out, "It's a little bit of a walk from here. Can you do that?"

"Yeah, Rayne, can you walk?" Xander said smugly.

"That's it," Andrew grabbed him by his shirt collar. "You are a fucking pig. And if I was at your level, I would beat you up right here, right now. But you're lucky. My girlfriend is here."

Xander's face relaxed.

"That's why I'm taking you OUT of the car."

"What? No, you can't do this to me! What did I do to you?! Nothing!"

He punched Xander once in the face, "You fucked my girlfriend. You fuck her, you fuck with me. So now I have to fuck with you."

I passed out.

And the next thing I remember, was Xander, his face covered in blood, with Drew walking back to the car. He hopped in and reversed the car out of the alley.

"Are you alright?" Drew frowned. "You hungry?"

"I don't know what is wrong with me! Don't you ever listen!"

He shook his head, "Babe, I'm sorry. You know, I feel so... I'm worried. I wanted to. Well. How do I put this... I don't love you."

"You don't?"

"It's so much more than love. It's. I've never thought of a girlfriend the way I think of you. It's not about just sleeping with you or whatever. I want to have a family with you. I can imagine sitting next to you in a lawn chair, growing old, just everything... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything. It's awkward."

"Do we have to talk about this now?"

"What if you're positive? What if you're pregnant?"

I sighed, "The doctor said I wasn't."

He jumped out of the car and walked across the parking lot into the store. I fidgeted with his keys, hanging from his ignition. I watched him bring the test kit to the counter, smile, and pay for it. And then, he... he came back from the inside. He stopped at the car door.

He jumped back in the car... And well. That was it.


I came out of the bathroom after I peed on that stupid stick, staring at it. I waited, wondering. How would this thing even know if I was pregnant or not?

I watched as one blurred line appeared. And I continued to wait.

There was only one line.

I wasn't pregnant.

I smiled and showed it to Drew, "See? Look! Not pregnant!!"

"We could change that," he smiled.

"Only in your dreams."


Author's Note: So I know how bad this chapter is, no need to tell me. I'm kind of at a loss of what to write. >:( I know, this story is really difficult for me to write. I mean, you know, I am very touchy. Writing these words just make everything... blah. Anyways, uhm, I don't know. Leave some comments or something.


- Emma

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