Chapter 20

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"Come on, aren't you a teensy bit curious to find out what's down there? And I'm sure you don't want to stand out here on the crumbly road with the empty broken buildings to keep you company do you?" He smiled at me teasingly.

I looked over the road to see an old house with some bullet holes through the dusty window.

I gulped. No I did not want to stand here alone.

"You'd leave me out here by myself?" I said in disbelief and a bit of fear if I'm honest.

"Yep." He said as he turned back to the gate.

I didn't want to stay here by myself.

I would surely be murdered by some cannibal or unnatural creature lurking about this deserted road.

"Can't we just go back home and gets some coffee." I suggested being the pussy I am.

"Nope. I want to know what's down here." He said as he fiddled with the lock.

I didn't say anything, I just moved to Gerard's side so our body's where touching. I looked around my surroundings trying to keep on high alert as I waited for something or someone to come out and murder me. But as for Gerard, he just busied himself with looking around the gate trying to find a way past it.

I hear a twig snap on the other side of the road and I laches onto Gerard hugging him as my heart raced.

A crow flew out from amongst the dead trees.

It's just a bird it's jut a bird it's just a bird. I repeated to myself as I tried to be calm.

Gerard let out a little chuckle. I slowly detached myself from him.

"Don't be scared frankie, you've got me
Here to protect you." He laughed.

I frowned not finding any amusement in this situation.

"We are going to have to climb over it." he concluded.

"But the wire.." I pointed out.

"I'll fix that. Stay here for a second."
He said as he started climbing up the fence.

I looked at him wide eyed. He wasn't going to leave me was he??

"Settle down frank. I'm just going to move the wire so it'll be safe for you to climb over." He smiled whilst looking down at me.

He got to the top of the fence and looked at the wire. he grabbed a part of the wire, where the barbs weren't, gently with his fingertips.

I stopped looking at him as I looked wearily across the street. I heard a snip noise and I looked up to see that Gerard had somehow cut the wire.

"Okay, you can start climbing up now." He said as he looked down at me, his black hair dangling over his face.

I nodded and laced my finger through the intertwined metal of the gate as I started climbing it. I was attempting to climb over in as quietly as possible.

Gerard had already climbed over the other side and out faces met from opposite sides of the fence.

"Do you think anyone will catch us? There could be someone down there...there's obviously warning signs here for a reason." I whispered to him.

"Nah, this place looks like no one has been here for ages. And the warning signs just make this ten times more fun don't you thing." He beamed a smile at me.

I rolled my eyes and smile too. "Hah whatever." I whispered as I shook my head and climbed the rest of the way up.

Gerard jumped the rest of the way down the fence and it rattled the gate. I winced at the noise hoping that no one heard that or at least hoping that no one was here to hear that.

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