Chapter 3

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[just a warning, dark themes ahead. In no way am I saying that violence is a good thing. And please don't try any of these things at home kids ;) ] continue on killjoys....

Gerard's pov

I was now on the fourth story of an apartment block. My back against the concrete wall as I hid in the shadows of the dimly lit hall. The hall light, of this run down apartment, was flickering; it bothered me somewhat but yet it still added a nice effect to the scene that was about to take place. I stayed quiet as I gently ran my fingers over the cracks on the cold concrete wall.

I was near the door of his apartment, waiting for the unsuspecting teenager to make his way home in his drunken state. Teenagers these days.

I ran over my plan in my head, making sure I didn't miss any detail of anything. I can't have anything going wrong...well at least not going wrong for me..things were about to go terribly wrong for this guy.

As far as I knew, he lived in this apartment with his dad who apparently he didn't get along with to well. His dad is probably inside asleep so I have to keep this quiet, don't want to disturb him or any of the neighbours either.

I stop everything when I heard commotion at the end of the hall. My attention was automatically drawn and sucked into focusing on the noise. Then I saw him...I saw a gangly teenage boy stumble down the hall. I pressed myself further into the shadows so he wouldn't see me as I waited for him to get closer.
My fingernails gently scratching at the wall as my hatred for him burned deep within me. God I just wanted to twist and rip his head off and let his body drown in it's own blood. I mentally sighed happily at the thought and then focused on the now.

He stumbled up to his apartment door and fumbled around with the keys trying to get them into the lock, but he was failing in his attempt as he must have been pretty drunk. I rolled my eyes, unamused by his pathetic weak state. But then again it just might make things easier for me.

I stepped out of the shadows and walked over to him. "Do you need any help there?" I asked politely with a shining grin on my face. "Oh thanks man, can't even get it in the god damn hole, my hands just like not working." He slurred then started giggling uncontrollably as he threw the keys at me and leant his whole body on my shoulder. I felt his weight collapsed on me and I struggled to not let myself collapse because of it.

I had luckily caught the keys, holding them in my hand tightly as I  placed my other hand on him in an attempted to steady him. "How about, me and you go and get some fresh air, I'm sure you don't want your dad seeing you like this.hmm?" I said as if I was talking to a child. I held him away from me with one arm to avoid him collapsing on me again.
He just grinned at me "oh my dad doesn't give a shit wether I'm drunk or not." He said as his head fell to the side as if it was too heavy for his neck to hold. Then he continued to start giggling again as his body slightly gave out, leaving me to try and get him and his body to try and cooperate.

"Shhhh shh,' I hushed him as I pressed my finger to his lips. "How about we go for a little walk? Come on." I said getting a little impatient and worried that someone would here us and come out to see what was going on.

I swiftly grabbed his shoulder and half pushed him down the hall. his body was too intoxicated for him to fight me off, and at this point I don't even think he cared where he was going. which made things easier for me although not so easy at the same time; His unstable frame wobbled along slightly swaying, and any wrong push could send him falling over in a random direction.
I lead him to the door at the end of the hall which lead to the roof of the apartment building. He continued talking about random things that didn't make any sense as I shoved him up the concrete stair well.

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