The Queens' Ball

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A/N: I would just like to remind you that you are still 10, therefore your dresses haven't really progressed into the stunning ones you'll wear as you get older, so for now their still cute.

Disclaimer: I do not own black butler or the characters, blah, blah, blah. Now, let's get to the story, shall we?


It was finally the day of the ball, you weren't  really one for big gatherings, but as the sole heir to the (S/N) estate, you had to endure them.

You decided to wear your black and maroon dress with red bows and black trimming. (Picture above) Your family's signature colour was maroon, so you had to wear it almost everywhere.

Anna had just finished doing your hair as there was a knock at the door. "Enter." You said, deciding weather you liked the style or not. She had plaited your fringe into a neat Alice Band looking braid and left your hair down curly.

You looked to the person, who had just entered the room, through your mirror before turning around. "What is it Dorian?" You questioned as he bowed.

"The carriage is ready, my lady." He stated. You sighed "I'll be down in a minute." You said, standing up and nodding a thank you to Anna.

She smiled and headed out the door, blushing slightly as she passed Dorian. You brushed it off and headed down stairs.

As Dorian extended a hand to help you into the carriage, you noticed a small smile on his face. "Why are you smiling like a fool?" You asked coldly.

"Well, my lady. I am just thinking how beautiful you look this evening, you are sure to turn heads tonight." You where stunned at his frankness, as you blushed and murmured a "thank you" as he closed the door with a smirk.

*Α fєω мιиυтєѕ ℓαтєя*

The carriage finally stopped as the door opened. You took a deep breath as you stepped out and prepared for the conclusions people would jump to about your parents death.

You stepped out of the carriage and walked up the steps to the front doors of the palace. As you stood at the top of the stairs, the announcer introduced you "Countess (Y/N) (S/N)" the room fell silent as all eyes where on you.

You swallowed as you descended down the staircase. As you got to the bottom, you heard a few murmurs.

"Countess? She's only 10!"

"I heard she burnt down her house, with her parents in it!"

"She's only a child!"

"I heard she killed the (S/N)s' and took the daughters place!"

You where horrified by all the rumors going around, but you took it with your head held high.

You heard everyone stop abruptly as footsteps came towards you. You turned around to find yourself face-to-face with... The Queen.

You curtsied abruptly. "Your Highness, I didn't expect to see you so soon." You said, forgetting to breath. The Queen wore a black dress with dark grey trimmings, it brushed the floor, she wore matching grey gloves and a black material covered her face. (Shown in pic above) You stood in silence for a few seconds, before she whispered something to her guard. Everyone started chattering again as the guard nodded and turned to you. "The queen wishes to express her condolences for the loss of your parents, and congratulate you on the success of your mission." You smiled politely, "Thank you, your majesty. I hope to honor them by serving you as devotedly as they did."

She waited a moment before whispering something else to the guard. "The Queen gladly accepts you as her new fox, and asks that you be careful on future missions." You couldn't help but feel as though you where having a one sided conversation. You nodded "Thank you for your concern, your Majesty. I will do my best to live up to the standards my parents have left behind."

The Queen nodded before whispering, yet again, into the guards ear. The guard turned to you with a smile "The Queen hopes you enjoy the ball, and hopes to see you again soon." You smiled and nodded, and with that she turned and left.

The ball was just like any other. Music, dancing, champagne. For the most part, you where bored out of your mind, but then just as the the ball was ending, you caught a flash of blue in the corner of your eye.

You turned, but it was gone. You ran to the top of the stairs to see if you could catch even the faintest sight of what-or who- ever it was. You looked everywhere, but you couldn't see it anymore. You gave up after 10 minutes and decided to go home. You walked towards the door as the guard opened it. You walked towards the carriage, as Dorian walked quickly from behind you to open the door.

As you stepped in, you saw the flash of blue again. You looked to the right and caught only a boot disappearing into a carriage. You looked at the butler before looking back at Dorian. They seemed awfully similar...

You brushed it off as a delusion caused by the long night. You got into the carriage and felt it lurch forward, as it descended on the journey home.

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