The Queen

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A/N: Hiya! So I decided to write 3 chapters today instead of two, I guess you guys will be happy about that! Yay! So here it is! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Black Butler, or the characters in it. (No matter how cool that would be!!)


You heard a knock at the door. "Come in." You said, moving some papers from your desk. It had been two weeks since the death of your beloved parents.

Since then, you had been running the manor and doing all the work your parents used to do. Dorian had hired a few people to help around the house. Anna Ernest was the new maid, Roy France's was the gardener, Michael Alexander was the chef and finally Jacob Cecil was the footman.
Although they where less than capable, you hoped they where just getting used to there new jobs. Luckily Dorian had been training them and there had been less... Incidents in the past week.

The door opened and Dorian walked in. "What is it, Dorian?" You asked leaning back in the chair to look at him.

He bowed before responding "My lady, we have received another letter from the queen." You sat up straighter. "Another?" You asked, your interest peaked "And what exactly does it say?"

"She requests your help on a case." He answered. "A case?" You asked, arcing your eyebrow. "Let me see the letter." You held out your hand. He handed you the letter and you began to read.

Dear (L/N)

I regret to inform you that there is yet another case I need you to solve. Bodies have been turning up, there necks bruised and there tongues cut out, among other horrible things.

I will need you to solve it at once. I do not want another dead body on our hands.

I have the utmost faith in you, my fox.

Queen Victoria

You flipped it over and found the royal crest imprinted on the wax seal. You held you head in you hands as you spoke. "So my parents used to help the queen solve murders." You suddenly felt exhausted. "No wonder someone wanted them killed. They probably got too close to solving a case." You lifted your head and pinched the ridge of your nose.

You sighed. "Well then, I must uphold their professionalism." You paused looking up at Dorian. "Get the carriage ready. We have a case to solve." He smirked. "Yes, my lady." He bowed before leaving.

'This is going to be a long day.' You groaned as you sorted out the papers you had been working on. 'Not to mention the queens ball next week..'

*Тωσ ∂αуѕ ℓαтєя*

"Run faster, Dorian! Their getting away!" You yelled as he rounded a corner. They had run into an alley. Dorian put you down.

"Well, well. If it isn't Weasley Bishop. Or should I call you 'The Silencer'?" You said smirking as you had finally solved the case. It had taken you two days, and a painful amount of time with the undergrounds very own 'Aristocrat of Evil', Lau. He is a Chinese nobleman, the manager of the British Branch of the Shanghai trading company 'Kong-Rong', not to mention the operator of the opium dens and the top official of the Chinese syndicate Qīng Bāng. So therefore the go to person for underworld crimes.

"You are under arrest by order of the queen." You said calmly. He sneered. "Did you really think I'd go willingly?" He took a few steps towards you. You sighed "Of course not, I don't imagine anyone would," you looked at him square in the eyes, your (E/C) eye piercing him. "I do suggest you stop where you are, or I will be forced to take action." He laughed. "And how exactly is a little girl going to take down a grown man with experience in murder?" You stood up straight, looking at him smugly. "Who said I would be the one taking you down?"

You glanced at Dorian, just as Weasley lunged at you. "Dorian, if you would please." You said gesturing to the the lunging man. "Of course, my lady." He said, before jumping into the air and assaulting  him with knives and forks.

You raised an eyebrow at Dorian. "Those better not be from the kitchen." He looked at you with an amused smile "I try to keep my weapon and eating cutlery separate." You nodded before looking up, as a flash of red caught your eye.

"Dorian," You enquired "what per say is that?" You pointed to the red blob on the roof moving closer. He glanced up. "It appears to be a strange breed of bird.." He said looking at it closely.

Suddenly it jumped off the roof and pinned you to a wall. "My, my, you are a very pretty one aren't you?" You looked at the red blob and found yourself face to face with a man, no older than 28. He had long red hair, falling past his hips and wore all red. He had red glasses with eyes as green as a lake.

"W-who are you?" You asked, too close to him for comfort. "Oh! What a forgetful beauty I am!" He yelled, 'And modest too.' You thought sarcastically as he finally let you go. "I, my lovely pearl, am Grell Sutcliff!"

"Ok... Dorian?"You said, looking at him questioningly. "He's a Reaper." He said as he readjusted his uniform. "Oh! Why, hello there!" Grell said seductively.
"How could I have not noticed such a handsome muscular man like you!?" He ran to Dorian and tried to hug and kiss him. You rolled your eyes as Dorian held him back and tried to fend him off. "Get a room would you?" You said irritated.

You turned around and started walking away. "Do bring him back by 8 o'clock this evening, Grell." You smirked as you saw Dorians shocked face. "My lady.." The smirk only deepened as his confusion turned to slight fear mixed with anger and annoyance.

Grell beamed. "Will do, my lovely flower!" He then gasped "I don't believe I caught your name." You turned around "I am (Y/N) (L/N), countess of (L/N)" you said proudly. "Oh! Your the daughter of (M/N) and (D/N) (L/N)!"

You froze. Dorian seemed to notice your change in demeanor at the mention of your parents, as he pushed Grell off of him more forcefully and walked towards you. "We really should be going." He said as he started to pick you up. You swatted his hands away and, ignoring the feeling that you where going to throw up, looked Grell square in the eyes. "You knew my parents?" You asked, almost chocking on your words.

"I was the one who took there souls after they died." He replied, not noticing the change. You couldn't move. You couldn't speak. You couldn't breath. All you could do was stare as you felt your throat tighten. "Y-you took there souls.." You said, hating yourself for stuttering.

He seemed to finally notice your change of demeanor as he started acting a little awkward. "Well, I should really just get this soul and.. Be on my way.." He said smiling and rubbing the back of his neck. "Besides, I am in very high demand." He said winking at Dorian.

With that he whipped out a chain saw and got to work, as Dorian picked you up and took you home. You let him, you where too deep in thought to stop him. 'Grell took their souls?' You frowned 'I suppose someone had to...'

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