The Rings

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A/N: Hello everyone! Sorry the last chapter was so short, I decided to make it up to you by publishing 2 new chapters today! I hope this chapter isn't too slow for you.. Please tell me what you think. Ok, enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Black Butler, nor the characters within.

The meadow started to fade away, until you where back in the room. The men approached you. This time you where not scared. This time you where angry. You glared at them before yelling "Dorian!" Your left eye shone from the new mark on it. (Cover photo) "Get me out of these restraints and take care of these low life's!" The men stopped and looked at each other. You could see they where holding back a laugh. You smirked as the door flew open and in walked a tall man with emerald eyes wearing a butlers uniform.

He smirked, his eyes turning red. "Yes, my lady." He bowed and ran straight through the men. He untied you before turning to the men. "You should never bind a lady, I find it very..." He smirked "Distasteful." The men's hoods had fallen from there heads, revealing there shocked expressions. They exchanged looks before angrily turning towards Dorian and attacking.

As they fought, you ran towards your undergarments. As you pulled your underdressed over your head, a sigh of relief washed over you. You turned to see that Dorian had already knocked them all out and started towards you.

"May I?" He gestured to your remaining clothes. You nodded.

After retying your dress and hair bows, he picked you up bridal style and walked out the door towards the exit.

You heard a commotion from the opposite side of the hall, where the boy was taken. "Dorian?" You said still looking down the hall.

"Yes, my lady?" He responded looking down at you. "There was a boy, about my age that was taken to the opposite side of the hall.." He looked down the hall and narrowed his eyes before saying "He will be just fine, my lady."

You looked up at him "How can you be so sure?" You asked lifting an eyebrow.

"A demon can sense things even from far away." You looked at him. Darn his cryptic words. Just then you heard the door at the other end of the hall open. "We must go, my lady." He said, jumping out the open window. You gasped. And held onto him tightly as you landed. "Dorian!" You said angrily.

"I am sorry, my lady, but it was necessary." He replied amused. You just glared at him and muttered under your breath.

*10 мιиυтєѕ ℓαтєя*

He finally put you down after running back to your mansion. You took a few steps forward. "My house.." You said sadly "I-it's gone." You knelt down and picked up some of the ash. You knew you should be sad but you only felt numb.

"My lady," Dorian said, snapping you out of your trance. You turned to him. "I can rebuild it, I only need a few minutes." You nodded as you decided to take a walk around the now burnt gardens.

Dorιanѕ' pov

I walked towards the ashes of the house, as I walked towards the back, I stepped on something. I looked down to see two rings. They where attached to the fingers of two skeletons. I frowned. 'I suppose those are her parents.' I picked them up and put them in my pocket.

I looked back down to the skeletons before picking them up and heading to the local undertaker. Before starting with the house.

Yoυr pov

After a few minutes, you heard footsteps. "My lady, the house is rebuilt." You turned to him and nodded as you walked towards the house.

As you entered the doors, you paused. Everything looked exactly as it was before. You started towards the stairs, but you stopped at the foot. You turned around and walked towards the study.

All the blood and gore was gone, but you could still see there bodies lying on the floor in a pool of blood. Your sight became blurry as tears started falling from your eyes. You wiped them away and blinked back the tears. 'I can't cry! They wouldn't want that.' You thought. "I will find out who did this. And they won't go unpunished."

You couldn't take another second of seeing them both lying there covered in blood. You turned and walked upstairs towards your bedroom.

It all looked just as it did in the morning. The only difference was the made up bed.

You walked towards your vanity table and untied your ribbons from your hair. After putting them back into the draw, you looked into your reflection. You touched your left eye, seeing the mark for the first time. You sighed as something caught your eye.You looked down at the table and saw two rings.

Your eyes widened. You picked up the elegant silver ring (in pic above) and put it onto your right middle finger. You turned your finger over admiring it on your finger. You looked back at the table and picked up the silver ring with your family's crest on it (beginning of part 2). You placed it on your left index finger. You looked at the two rings as tears welled up in your eyes. These where family heirlooms. Your mother and father wore them everyday...

You heard footsteps and quickly blinked the tears away before turning around. Dorian stood in the middle of the doorway. "My lady, I found the rings in the ashes and thought you would want to keep them." He said softly.

"Thank you." You said before walking out of your room and towards the study.

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