The Contract

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A/N: Hi guys! Sorry I took so long to update, it took me forever to find just the right crest ring for the picture (above). Anyway I hope you like the new chapter!

Disclaimer: I do not own Black Butler or any of the characters within.


Tears ran down your face as they brought the knife closer and closer. You screamed as loud as you could and begged them not to do it.

"Please! Anyone! Help me!" You screamed as they grew closer.

All of a sudden the room faded. You opened your eyes to see a dark abyss. White feathers fell all around you as you floated in the same position as you where in on the table. Tears still streamed down your eyes.

"Am I dead?" You asked to nobody in particular. "Do you wish to make a contract with me?" Your eyes shot up as you scanned the room. Your eyes settled on a raven with feathers as dark as the starless sky.

"D-did you speak?" You asked quietly. "Yes, you have summoned me here." He replied. "S-summoned? But I don't remember summoning you.." You said a little lost in thought.

"I will ask again, do you wish to make a contract with me?" He spoke calmly. "A.. Contract?" You asked confused. "What kind of contract?"

"If you make a contract with me, I will save you and obey your every command. Until such a time as I have fulfilled your greatest wish." He explained.

"So, if I make a contract with you, you'll save me from those horrible people and fulfill my greatest wish?" You asked intrigued.

"Yes, of course. But first you must entire your wish into the contract. And by doing so you will never be able to enter into the gates of paradise. They will forever be out of your reach. So think very carefully." He responded as though he had said it many times before.

"Your a demon." You realized. You smiled "Do you really think that if I believed in such things I would ever summon someone like you?"

He chuckled. "I'll ask but once more. Do you wish to make a contract with me?"

You thought for a moment. "I do. Now stop asking these useless questions and tell me if we have a deal." The feathers started floating up as the crow disappeared and in its place was a man with hair the colour of the crows feathers, in a black butler uniform.

He walked towards me you. "I am Dorian Black" he said before bowing on one knee. "Before the contract can be completed, you need to decide where to put the mark." He said softly.

"The mark?" You questioned. He looked up at you. "The mark binds the the contract between us, the more visible it is, the stronger it is." He replied.

You paused in thought before sighing. "I don't care where it is, as long as it is as strong as possible." You said soberly. He smirks. Before lifting his left hand to your left eye. "What is your wish, my lady?"

You swallow, your face unsmiling. "I want you to help me find my parents' killers and destroy them."

"As you wish.."

He removed his hand, and your eye started to burn. You screamed in pain, grabbing your eye, before the meadow started disappearing.

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