chapter ten

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Bella's pov

We are in the "safe house" its a room with nothing in it at all there's not even a chair in sight. The walls are painted white and there is nothing special about the space except for its purpose. It was  a room hidden in plain sight something that no one would ever find which I guess is why it was safe. The door to this room was a wall just in a hallway. I couldn't help but think that someone from the outside would ever be able to breach the presidents security so it must have been someone from the inside, someone that worked here or was really close to the president. I just couldn't bare the thought that maybe someone that Ive been seeing everyday here would have taken my father away from me. It was sickening to think that someone would want to hurt me more than I had already was.

James pov

"What were you doing yesterday around the time of 12:45pm and 1:00pm?" I asked one of the bodyguards that was guarding the doors of the presidents office before he was kidnapped.

"I was standing in front of the office doors of the presidents office with agent Miller." Agent Turner replied to my question.

"Okay, so around that time did you here anything at all from where you were and was there anyone in there with the president?" I asked him.

" I hope that you can respect that I am under strict orders by the president to not tell who was with him, but what I can tell you is yes there was someone with him and it was a female that would never ever harm him, and couldn't even if she tried. What I did hear though was talking about getting the president to safety because the woman thought that he may be in danger. That is the only thing I herd before the sirens were set off and the room became silent." Mr. Turner said.

" Well the president may be on the ferge of dying this very moment and I don't think that he would mind me knowing seems how I'm trying to save his life. I need to talk to that woman that was last seen with him!" I yelled at the stupid guard he was really on my last strand of patience.

"Sir with all due respect he is in more danger if I tell you such things." He said.

"Look I know that you are trying to keep your job by flowing your orders, but I am sorry to tell you that if you do not tell me who the woman is and what else you know about this situation you will no longer have a job. Because there will no longer be a president to work for." I said trying to sound more calm.

"Okay I can not tell you who the woman is, but I will tell you what I can. First off the president has known that someone from the inside is working on trying to kill him. He did not tell many people because he did not want to worry anyone for one and two he did not know who he could trust. I know that the woman did get him to safety which I do not know where and if I did I could not tell you. The president told me I could trust you and you are the only other person he would trust with me telling this to once he was put into safety to make it look like a kidnapped, but really he is just in safety and he wanted me to  tell you that.

"Okay so how do I know that i can trust you?" I asked him

"I don't know, but I'm the only one with information and I think you have no other choice but to trust me.

"Well that helps me a lot." I said and i got up and left he questioning room.

Okay well I didn't think that I should repeat anything he had just told me because as crazy as it was I actually believe that guy. So I finally have a lead on this case, now I need to make sure bells safe. but i wouldnt tell her that her father was okay because there was still a part of me who did not believe agent Turner.

bella's pov.

The only thing that I could think of was is James okay, was my dad okay, would they live, how much longer tell I would get some updates on this situation, and when would I see James again. I didn't even realize that I had been crying until miss Potts came over and wiped my tears away from my cheek with her hand.

"Honey are you okay?" Miss Potts asked.

"No." I said in a shakey breath, "Far from that."

"Oh its okay everything will be okay, I'm sure that James has already gotten some leads on where your dad is." She said trying to make me feel better. "I mean he is very good at his job, I think the best."

"I know I believe that, I really do its just I cant help but worry about him, him and my dad." I said trying to stop the tears from leaking down my face like a water faucet that had accidentally been left on over night. Then before miss Potts could say anything there was a big banging noise at the door, the door that was suppose to be secret. I was so scared I thought that any minute I would be killed and never again she the smile on James again because of that I was scared to death. When the door flew open it was only James. "Thank god." I whispered under my breath.

A/N I know its again a really short chapter, but again its late and i forgot I had to update today. I forgot because I had to go to Costco and I totally didn't think about it and I spent 4 hours in town getting stuff for everyday life so I am sorry, but the next chapter I promise will be longer. Thanks for reading and please Vote, Comment, and Fan.

xoxoxox Lindsey

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