chapter 42

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We stood in a deathly silence glaring the other down.

"Who are you," i was the first to speak, my voice dripping with venom.

"Oh wouldn't you like to know," he scoffed, no doubt glaring under the metallic mask.

"Yes i would very much like to know," i snapped harshly. "So would you be ever so kind as to remove that hideous mask from your no doubt ugly face!"

He chuckled causing me to glare further. "Well, well, well, Siena," he mocked me. "You always were a frisky one weren't you."

"It would do you credit to hold your tongue."

He laughed, a bitter sound that polluted the air. "Oh Siena, my dearest Siena. So young and naive. Did you really think you could defeat me? I'm more strong then your Ben ever was. I'm so much better than you could ever be."

"Arrogance," i noted out loud. "That always seems to be the downfall of those who are strong. They think to highly of themselves and that is why they fall."

He clenched his fist whilst walking towards me.

"Are you really calling me arrogant?" He hissed. "I who have brought down nations, i who have crushed planets with just one swift movement? Are you really calling me arrogant?"

"Yes," i stated. "And somewhat afraid."


"Yes. That's why you wont show your face. Because you're afraid. You're afraid of being beaten by a girl, no doubt have your age."

He let out a heatless cackle and his hands went to lift up the helmet.

I could barely contain m smirk as i realized that my plan had worked. By antagonising him enough i had got him to remove to mask.

One the mask was of he held held it in his hands and i looked at this..... Thing before.

"What are you?" I asked in slight disgust. His face did nit resemble that of a human. It was, somewhat longer, his eyes perched on the top of his head, goodness knows how he could see out the helmet, and  goodness knows how the helmet fitted. I took note of his long ears. His face was deformed. Large gashes and it appears to be badly burnt.

"Yousa would of thought," he said at last, his voice changing, his words changing. "That yousa would recognise a gun gun when yousa see's one."

I'm sorry..... I had too... Its just too great an importunity to miss.... So. introducing DARTH JAR JAR!!! *sigh*


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