chapter 12

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We ran from the control room silently gliding through strangely quiet corridors until we and to large room, we stood on the ledge around the outside of the room and below us was a steep drop to the floor.

"We need to rescue Ray!" Finn reminded us for the one hundredth time as our eyes scanned our surroundings.

"She seems to be handling thins," Han calmly stated as he pointed to the steep wall opposite us where Ray was climbing up gradually, her hands rarely slipping.

When she reached the top she started running along the platform on which we stood when she reached us Han grabbed her shoulders causing her to gasp and almost hit him until she realized that he was in fact Han, and not a stormtrooper.

She turned to look at Finn, "what are you doing here!" She gasped.

"I came back to rescue you!" He said hugging her tightly.

I smiled at the sight of them together.

"You can hug later," Han said, ruining the moment. Now we escape. He made for the exit but before he could leave Chewbacca handed him a coat that had fallen on the ground. Han smiled and put it on.

"Come on," he said motioning for us to follow.
Ray and Finn followed but i stayed put.

"Come on Siena," Han said. "We need to leave."

"Ben," i said. "He's here."

Han sighed, slightly wincing at the name of his long lost son. "Chewbacca, get them back to the ship," he ordered.

"You're not going alone!" I protested. "Han in going with you."

"No!" Han snapped. Go with Chewbacca and the others."

"He'll listen to me!"

"What makes you think he'll listen to you, when he wont even listen to his own father!"

I flinched at his words and bows my head. "Bring him back," i whispered. "Please bring him back."

"Ill try," and then Han Solo walked away from us to face his son alone.

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