chapter 4

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After the recent trauma of watching my best friend ruthlessly murder my fellow Jedi, i did would anyone in my position would do. I ran. Far far away from the old Jedi temple, far far away from Ben. I couldn't bring myself to join the resistance and put my skills at use when the first order arose. Plus i knew Ben's parents would be there, and i could never face them. I stayed clear of the war and avoided anything and everything that reminded me of Ben. My Ben.

Though i tried not to i couldn't help but think of him, but my thoughts of him always lead to our fight and the night when everything changed. I kept the necklace he left for me and wore it around my neck. My fingers constantly messing with it. Always missing him.

I did my research and found out that Ben was seduced by the dark side and tempted by the sith. He joined them and changed his name to Kylo Ren. He is the most feared being in the galaxy. A man dressed in black with a sith triple light saber.

The man from my vision. My Ben.

It hurts when i think of him. Like a knife stabbing into my already broken heart. I missed him.

I had been angry at him. I had been so angry at him. So upset. So offended.

But now that just turned into misery. I missed him too much to be angry anymore.

Which is why i must never see him again. Because i would run to him. In the hope to save Ben. But then I'd realize that Ben is gone. And then Kylo Ren would kill me.

Boring chapter about Siena's thoughts sorry -_-


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