chapter 5

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I lived on the planet Tatoine in the outer rim territories. It was far away from the war and even though it could never be home after 5 years i had grown quite fond of the ruthless planet controlled by the Hutt's i lived alone there in a small house above a bakery where a kind elderly woman worked. She would often sneak me bits of bread or other much needed foods as she knew i barely even had enough money to keep the house... Or should i say, room, that i lived in. It was only one room, but with a bed in one corner and a stove in the other with a chair in the middle and my small pile of belongings on the floor it was livable. I scavenged for what little money i could get, pickpocketing from the rich and stealing from shops when necessary. It wasn't a good way to live i know but on Tatoine its not like they were handing out jobs.

I lived by myself and i fended for myself.

At least that's the way it was before he reappeared in my life.

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