chapter 24

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I woke up to someone gently prodding me. Opening my eyes i saw Ben poking me awake.

"You've been crying," he stated.

I looked away from him at the ceiling.

"I'm sorry," he muttered glaring at the wall. "If you really don't want to be here i'll let you go."

"No Ben, its not that."

He frowned, "what else is to upset you in a locked room? Was it one of the clones? I get have them executed if you want."

"Ben no!" I exclaimed. "Please don't execute anyone!"

"But if they're upsetting you then they deserve it."

I rolled my eyes. "Ben you cant kill someone just cause they're upsetting you or someone close to you. It wasn't one if your clones."
"Then who was it? Just say a name and i'll have them killed."

"Ben," i sighed. "What have i said about killing people?"

"That i can't kill someone just because they're upsetting me or someone close to me?"

"Exactly. Preferably don't kill anyone no matter what they do."

He shrugged dismissing my words. "Okay then i can severely injure them."

"No Ben," i sighed. "Don't worry about it."

"But who made you cry?" He protested. "Was it resistance?"

"The-" i stopped. How did he know about that?

"You think they got in by luck?" He raised an eyebrow. "I let then in. I wanted to see if you cared enough to stay when you could easily leave."

"Do they know that?" I questioned.

"No," he shook his head. "Those idiots think they got in at there own accord."

"Don't call them idiots, they're my friends."

He shrugged. "They made you cry. They're idiots."

I smiled slightly, it was sweet how much he cared, i wished Poe could understand.

"What are you thinking Siena?" He asked gently.


"You know you can't lie to me."

I hugged him burring my head in his shoulder. "I don't want to leave you."

"Then don't," he said. "Stay with me, i can train you as my apprentice, we can overtake Snoke and everything will be as it was before!"

"No, Ben! I wont join the dark side. I came to bring you home! Not join the sith"

He looked away from me. "I cant go back." He whispered. "Not now. Mother won't even be able to look at me," he choked on his words and i held my breath, not wanting him to cry.

He held my tightly softly crying in my hair.

"Ben, please, please don't cry."

His head shook against my neck. "I cant go back, i cant face them. Snoke said if i cant turn you he'd kill you. But i can't let him. I cant let him kill you."

"Then we can run. Far away from the first order, far away from the resistance, far away from Snoke."

"Where ever we go he'll find us. We cant hide. There's nothing we can do. Siena please don't leave me. I cant lose you too."

I held him as tightly as j could. "I'm staying with you Ben. I'm not going anywhere."

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