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Vincent's POV:

The pretty detective was clearly in no mood for pleasantries. She raised her gun a little higher and stared at me through determined saphire eyes. "Where's Emily?"

"Emily?" I blinked my eyes innocently. "Emily, who?"

"Cut the crap, Graves." She reached into her coat pocket and pulled out a black and white photo, shoving it in my face. "We know she's here. Where is she!?"

Just keep it together, Vincent. They've got nothing on you.

The detective frowned and turned her attention to the other officers. She pointed her index finger towards the back of the house. "I want you three to search every inch of this place. We're not leaving until we find her. Understand?"

"Yes ma'am.." Replied one, an older man with balding white hair. The other two officers, a young man and a middle aged woman, simply nodded in acknowledgement before spreading throughout the house. The only officer that remained in the room was the same man I knocked out at Hope's house, Officer Johnson I believe it was.

He was glaring at me with his arms folded in front of his large chest. "Listen here, you arrogant little prick. Why don't you just save us the trouble of tearing your house apart and tell us where the girl is.."

I ignored him and returned my attention to the pretty detective. "Forgive me if this seems a bit rude but I want to see a warrant."

Officer Johnson mumbled something under his breath as the pretty detective pulled the warrant out of her coat pocket. I examined it briefly before she pulled it away from my face. "Now are you going to cooperate?" She asked, annoyed.

"Of course.." I said, "I'm more than happy to let you search my home if it will prove my innocence."

"Pfft...fat chance." Johnson muttered.

I closed my eyes and mentally counted to ten, trying to supress the overwhelming urge to strangle the cocky officer. This asshole is really asking for it...but I have to keep my cool. Just for a little while longer.


Emily's POV:

I was awakened by a dull throbbing pain in my head to find myself overcome by darkness. What's happening? Where am I? I lifted my hands to try and get a feel of my surroundings but there was no room to move. I was trapped in some sort of box.

A coffin? I dead?

I remembered being in the bathtub, crying, when Vincent came in. His face was consumed with worry, I knew something was wrong.

I lifted my hands again to try and free myself from this dark prison but the top wouldn't budge. My breath quickened. Did he bury me alive?

Over the last few days I've noticed Vincent growing more and more unstable. He must have finally realized that I didn't love him and decided to get rid of me.

I'm going to die here. I'm going to die alone...

"Vincent!" I screamed, clawing at the top of my coffin. "Vincent, please let me out of here!"

Oh God, please let him hear me! I...I can't die like this!

I thought about my mother and father, my friends. What would they do when they found out that I was dead? Tears started pouring down my face. Mom...I'm sorry that I never called you. I was too consumed in my own life and I may never get to see you again. I would give anything to be in your arms right now.

I blinked the tears back and started banging the top of the box. "Vincent! Please!"


Vincent's POV:

It felt like an eternity before the three officers returned to the living room. The oldest one looked at the pretty detective. "We looked everywhere." He said, shaking his head. "There's no sign of her anywhere...but we did find some women's clothing in one of the closets."

The pretty detective gritted her teeth before returning her attention to me. She grabbed my arms and hoisted me to my feet. "Tell me where she is Graves!" She demanded, shoving her pistol under my chin

"Amy!" Johnson shouted. He grabbed her wrist. "Don't let this son of a bitch get in your head. We'll find her."

The pretty detective lowered her weapon but kept one hand firmly on my shoulder. "I'm going to give you one more chance. Tell me where she-"

"Vincent!" a panicked voice shouted.

It was Emily. My heart started pounding in my chest. Shit, I didn't think she would wake up this soon! I should have gagged her.

Everyone in the room grew silent and the pretty detective released me. "Did you guys hear that?" She asked, not sure whether or not she actually heard the frantic cry. The other officers nodded their heads so she waved her arm in the air and said, "Find out where it's coming from. Now!"

When they left the room she turned her eyes on me. "On your knees, Graves!"

I fell to my knees and put my hands back behind my head. The realization of what was happening hit me like a ton of bricks when the pretty detective pulled out a pair of silver handcuffs, handing them to Officer Johnson. I was going to spend the rest of my life in prison...because of Emily.

Because she refused to return my love.

No, I can't go down like this. Not without a fight!

I slowly slid my hand down my leg and clasped the steak knife that was still safely stored in my sock. "Alright, Graves..." Officer Johnson grunted, "Stand to your feet."

I held the knife close as I stood up. The officer held my shoulder with one hand, his other hand clasping my wrist. "You have the right to remain-" Before he could finish reading me my rights, I pulled myself out of his grasp and wrapped my arm around his neck. The pretty detective immediately raised her gun, ready to fire, until she saw the knife in my hand.

I held it to the officer's neck and smiled at her. "That's right, sweetheart, the tables have turned. Now drop your weapon or this asshole doesn't make it out alive..."


AN: Vincent just doesn't know when to give up. Hope you guys enjoyed! I typed it up kind of fast so forgive me if there are any typos! XD

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