Night Out

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~Emily's POV~

It's been two weeks since I've been here and the police still refuse to let me leave the house. I was starting to feel like a prisoner again. Hope is gone half of the time at school and the only thing there is to do around here was watch old re-runs on the television. Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate that Hope is letting me stay here, she's been great through this whole thing, but I want so badly to go into town...even if it's just to grab a cup of coffee.

" okay?" James asked, bringing me back to reality. James has been around enough times for the officers in charge to know him, so they allow him to stop by every now and then. He was really great at taking my mind off of everything.

I turned around and smiled at him. "Yeah..I'm fine. Just starting to get a little cabin fever."

"I don't blame you." Hope said as she sat on the couch playing with her cell phone. She stuck the phone in her pocket and stood up. "Hey, why don't you call that Frost lady and see if you can get out of here for a little while. She seems pretty cool, I'm sure she won't mind."

"You think so?"

"I don't see why not." James agreed. He grabbed his cell phone from his pocket and handed it to me. "Call her and see. It won't hurt to ask."

"Okay.." I said, taking the phone from his hand and punching in her number. It rang three times before she answered. "Emily? Is everything alright?" She asked, sounding concerned and surprised to hear from me.

"Yes, everything's good." I replied. "It's just..."

My voice trailed off because I was too ashamed to ask. What if she said no? She would probably be annoyed that I called her just because I was bored. James grabbed the phone from my hand and stuck it to his ear. I tried to snatch it from him but he shielded it with his free arm, smiling at me.

"Detective Frost...this is James, Emily's friend."

He listened for a few seconds before speaking again. "Yeah, Emily's okay. She just wants to know if she can get out of here for a little while. She's starting to get stir crazy."

"James!" I shook my head.

He ignored me as he listened again. "Uh-huh, I promise we'll take good care of her......oh, hang on a sec." He put his hand over the mouthpiece of the phone and looked at us. "She said somebody has to stay here just in case she needs to speak with someone."

"I'll stay." Hope said, plopping back down onto the couch. "You guys go ahead."

James nodded and uncovered the mouthpiece. "Hope said she'll stay." He nodded his head as he listened to the detective. "Yeah...we'll probably just go grab a bite to eat and come back....uh-huh, yeah we'll tell him. Thanks." He hung up the phone and smiled at me. "She said to let the officer in charge know where we're going."

"Cool!" I said. "Let me just change my clothes real quick and we'll head out!"

I ran into Hope's bedroom and quickly changed my shirt before following James outside. The office in charge, Officer Martin, was sitting on Hope's porch with his nose buried in a naughty magazine. James cleared his throat and he looked up at us, setting his magazine down on his lap. "What are you doing out of the house?" He asked, narrowing his eyes at me.

"Umm..." I shifted nervously on my right leg as he stared at me with a serious expression. "Detective Frost said I can go into town for a couple of hours."

"Is that so?" He said, grabbing a cellphone from his pocket. He dialed and put it up to his ear. "Did you say that Evelyn could go out for a couple of hours?"

I folded my arms in front of my chest. "It's Emily.."

"Right, Emily.." He replied, uninterested. "Oh, alright. Talk to ya later, babygirl." He pushed the end button and stuck the phone back into his pocket. He looked at James. "Just make sure she gets back in one piece." He waved his hand in the air before sticking his nose back into the dirty magazine. James looked at me and shrugged before escorting me to his car.


AN: I'm so excited! I just saw that I'm number 15 in horror. You guys who have read, voted, and commented are so amazing! You guys keep me motivated and I really appreciate it! :D

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