Not Over Yet

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*Vincent's POV*

My knuckles were red from beating on the door for nearly ten minutes. How could Emily do this to me!? I've done nothing but treat her like a princess and this is how she repays me! Of course, I couldn't be too angry with her. She was still confused...and now she's out there, lonely and afraid. I have to find her before it's too late! But how was I going to get out of here!?

The door was locked and there was no way I was going to be able to bust it down with my bare hands. There had to be something I could use. I looked around the living room for something heavy enough to break down the door. My eyes beamed when I saw the stone statue of Saint Jude my grandmother had given me a few years ago. I've always hated the stupid thing, it gave me the creeps. But at least I finally had some use for it.

Pinkie started barking as I grabbed the heavy statue and banged it against the door again and again. I shooed her away and continued beating the door until it flung open. "Finally!" I cried, throwing the statue down. I grabbed the dog and ran to my garage. Unfortunately, Emily had taken my BMW but I had an old Lincoln towncar for emergencies. I pulled the door open and dug the spare key out of the console. 'Thank God I kept this in here.'

After making sure Pinkie was secured in the back seat, I stuck the key into the ignition and started the car. I wasn't even sure where to begin searching. The only thing I could do was think like Emily. 'If I were a frightened young girl where would I go?' She probably went to the police station, no doubt telling them everything. My hands trembled angrily as I imagined her telling the police what an ogre I was.

"Emily, how could you!?" I screamed aloud. I sighed and returned my attention back to the lonely road. It was about fifteen minutes before I reached the police station and sure enough my BMW was in the parking lot. "I'll be right back, Pinkie." I said, closing the car door behind me and walking into the police station. The only people inside were three policeman, all of whom were playing poker.

Emily must have already left!

I turned on my heel to leave when a pretty young woman walked into the station. She glanced at me for a second before sauntering off to an office in the back. "Martin, get in here!" She yelled. One of the officers threw down his cards and stomped into the office.

"What's up, babygirl?" He asked.

"Listen, I just dropped off Emily at her friend's house and I'm going to need you to take over for Jensen in the morning." She said, making my heart skip a beat. So, Emily was at a friend's house! It had to be that annoying little twit Hope. The two of them were inseperable!

All I had to do now was find out where Hope lived so I could grab Emily!

I was just about to walk out of the police station when I felt a hand on my shoulder. Beads of sweat poured down my face as I turned around. The police officer standing in front of me was looking down at me with a frown. 'He knows who I am! He's going to throw me in a jail cell, I just know it!'

"Can I help you, son?" He asked. "You've been standing here for five minutes..."

"Umm.....some hoodlums egged my house." I lied, trying desperately to hurry and get out of here.

The officer shook his head at me and proceeded to lecture me on how the police didn't have time to tend to every petty crime commited by bored teenagers. When he finally finished talking, I thanked him for his time and walked back out to my towncar. I wrapped my fingers around the wheel and bowed my head, thanking the good Lord that I hadn't been arrested.

Now was my chance to find Emily! Unfortunately, I had no idea where Hope lived. I was just going to have to bide my time and wait for a break through...


Two weeks.

I watched the police station from a crusty diner across the street every day for two weeks before I saw the pretty blonde detective climbing into her car. The chances of her riding out to Hope's house were slim but I had to follow her just in case. I climbed into my car and waited until she pulled out of the parking lot to follow her.

She drove about ten minutes before pulling into a house located in a quaint little neighborhood. There was police officer sitting on the porch reading a magazine. I pulled my car to the side of the road and watched as the pretty detective walked up to the policeman. They talked for a few minutes before she knocked on the front door. A few seconds later it was opened and Hope was standing on the other side.

I gripped the steering wheel and smiled.

My hard work had finally paid off! All I had to do was get rid of Hope and the policeman.

Then Emily would be mine again.....


AN: I am so excited for the next couple of chapters! :D

She Belongs to Me [A Stalker Series]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن