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Emily didn't say a word as I gave her a tour of my house. She just stared ahead with glassy eyes, as if she was still in a state of shock. But why should she be? It's been nearly forty five minutes since she gained her consciouness back. That seems like plenty of time to come to the realization that she was with me now.

But I suppose I should give her a little more time to adjust. After all, she was going to be here for a long, long time...

"And this is my bedroom.." I said as I pushed the door open. She stepped in behind me slowly and half heartedly looked around.

"Wh-what's that?" Emily asked, nodding her head towards my dresser. She was looking at a lovely picture I had in a plain black frame, a picture of her. She was sitting on the bench outside of the school with a book in her hand. She looked absolutely beautiful sitting there, just like a goddess. I couldn't resist capturing the moment on my camera.

"It's a picture of you, of course." I said. "You looked so lovely I had to-"

"You've been taking pictures of me, too?!" She shrieked. "Don't you realize how creepy that is?"

I folded my hands in front of my chest as I considered this. What was so creepy about taking a picture of the woman I love? Maybe she's just irritated that I caught her in such a candid moment. Women were so funny when it came to getting their pictures taken.

The thought brought a smile to my face and I walked to the dresser and opened the second drawer. "If you don't like this particular picture, I could put another in it's place." I pulled out a small box that contained several pictures of Emily.

"What the hell, Vincent!?" Emily gasped. "How many pictures do you have?"

"Just a few...." I admitted, sticking the box back in the drawer. I bent down and opened the third drawer to dig out a shirt for her to sleep in since I foolishly forgot to pack her a few clothes. "I'm afraid I don't have a night gown for you to sleep in, but this t-shirt will do until I run to the store."

"I don't want to sleep here. I want to go home!"

"You may as well get used to the idea of staying with me, Emily." I took her by the arm and lead her to my bed, sitting her down. "I'm going to untie your hands now, but you have to promise not to do anything foolish."

"Okay..." She muttered. I smiled at her obediance and began to slowly unwrap the tape from her wrists. When I was finished, I took her right wrist in my hand and began to massage it. There were red marks where the tape had been. After carefully massaging each wrist, I kneeled down in front of her and stroked my hand through her soft brown hair.

"You are so beautiful, Emily."

"Are you going to let me go?" Emily asked, crossing her arms in front of her chest. Her eyebrows were pulled down in the cutest little frown.

"It's getting late." I replied, changing the subject. "We should get ready for bed." I reached my hands out and grabbed her blouse, attempting to pull it off.

Emily gasped and pushed my away. "What in the hell do you think you're doing!?"

"I-I was just going to help you get ready for-"

"Don't you dare touch me, you sick bastard!"

My heart sank at her piercing insult. How could she talk to me like that? After all I was doing for her....

"Emily..." I groaned, resting my hand on her shoulder. "I know you're still angry with me, but you can't treat me this way." She didn't respond so I grabbed her blouse again and tried to pull it off until Emily reached out her hand and slapped my cheek.

Before I could react, she stood up and started running away from me.

"Help!" She screamed, her footstep echoing on the wooden floor of the hallway. I stood up and quickly began to chase her. I couldn't allow her to get away! She would tell everyone what I'd done!

Running to the front door, Emily wrapped her hands around the knob and attempted to open it. But the deadbolt was locked. "Somebody please help me!" She started banging her fists on the door until I grabbed her and threw her over my shoulder.

"Let me go!" She demanded, hitting my back with her fists. I ignored her the best I could as I carried her back to the bedroom. I threw her down on the bed and climbed on top of her, pinning her wrists down before she had the chance to hit me again. "You have to calm down, love.." I pleaded. "If you don't, I'll be forced to tie you up again."

"Go to hell!" She screamed, trying to wriggle free from my grasp. I sighed and tightened my grip on her, wishing that she would stop being difficult. I mean, how was our relationship ever going to blossom if she was fighting me every step of the way?

"Emily....stop fighting me!" I ordered, raising my voice just enough to get her attention. "I don't want to have to hurt you!" She held still after that so I released her and smiled warmly down at her. "Good then, I'm going to take off your blouse." She remained silent as I pulled the blouse off of her, replacing it with my t-shirt.

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