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My stomach began to ache as I stared down at Emily. She was lying on the floor, unconscious from the blow to her head. I put my hands to the side of my face and began nervously pacing around the room. What am I going to do now!? I can't just leave her here like this. She would call the police as soon as she awakened, tell them what I'd done.

"Shit!" That was all I could say as I ran into the kitchen. I opened the cabinet under the sink and began rummaging through it until a roll of duct tape caught my eyes. I grabbed it and ran back to Emily, binding her hands and feet with the sticky tape. She was never going to forgive me for this! How was I ever going to explain myself?

"I am so sorry..." I said, rubbing my hand gently over her cheek. There was a bruise starting to swell where I'd hit her. It made me sick that I had to hurt her, but there was no other way. Sighing, I reached my hands up and untied my tie. "I am so sorry!" I repeated as I tied the neck tie firmly around her mouth.

I drew back the beige curtain that covered the small living room window. There was no one outside. I was going to have to move fast. I kneeled down and threw Emily over my shoulder, then opened the door to make sure the coast was still clear. There wasn't a person in sight so I stepped outside and carried Emily down the stairs until we reached my car.

I laid her down on the floor of the backseat before climbing into the car and starting it.

It took about thirty minutes to reach my house. Stopping the car, I got out and opened the back door. Emily was still out cold. I took her into my arms and brought her inside the house, laying her on my sofa. "I never meant for it to be like this." I sighed, sitting next to her. Even unconscious, Emily looked beautiful.

I stood from the couch and made my way into the kitchen, opening the refrigerator. She would probably be thirsty when she woke up. I took out a bottle of water and poured her a glass before returning to the living room. Shrugging, I plopped down on the couch and turned on the television. 'Might as well watch some tv while she sleeps.'


I was watching an episode of Gilligan's Island when Emily's eyes fluttered open. She moaned as she picked her head up, taking in her surroundings. Panic filled her green eyes as she realized she was no longer in her apartment. Wanting to comfort her, I shut off the television and grabbed her by the shoulders, helping her sit up. She gasped when she saw me sitting in front of her and my heart sank.

It was obvious that she was very frightened. I had to let her know that she was safe.

I rubbed my hand across her cheek. "Don't be afraid, Emily." I said softly, smiling at her. "I'm not going to hurt you." Her eyebrows plunged into a frown and she mumbled inaudibly through her gag. Leaning a little closer to her, I grabbed her chin. "I will remove the gag, but you have to promise not to scream."

She nodded and I pulled the tie from her mouth.

Right away, she screamed. "Help! Someone, please help-!"

I placed my hand over her mouth and shook my head, slightly annoyed that she lied to me. "You told me that you would not scream."

Tears filled her eyes and her chest began heaving up and down rapidly. She was scared to death.

"Calm down, Emily. I don't want you to have a panic attack." I caressed her face with my other hand and offered her a smile of comfort. "I promise that you will be safe here with me. You have to trust me."

I waited for her breathing to become more stable before pulling my hand off of her mouth. She looked at me and said, "Why have you brought me here?"

"I-I didn't want you to call the police. I wanted to explain myself, so that you would understand."

"This is kidnapping, Vincent. You could get into a lot of trouble."

"Who's gonna tell?" The words surprised me as they left my lips. "No one saw me take you."

"What the hell is wrong with you? Do you really think you can keep me here?" She struggled against the duct tape that bound her, but it was to no avail.

"You'll like it here, Emily. I know you will."

"Someone will find me. My friends will call the cops when they realize I'm missing, and my apartment complex has cameras all over the place. Let me go right now, and I promise I won't tell anyone."

"No one will find you here."

Terror filled her eyes when she realized that I had no intention of letting her go. "You're crazy!"

I grabbed the sides of her face and squeezed, causing her to quiet back down. "You have no right to talk to me like that. I have been nothing but good to you."

"Are you serious!? You must be out of your-"

"Don't say it! Don't you dare call me crazy again!"

"I-I'm sorry." Her voice lowered and she looked away from me, tears continuously spilling down her face. "I won't say anything else. I promise."

"There's a good girl." I said, patting her cheek. "I knew that I could count on you to listen."

I untied her feet and carefully pulled her off of the couch, deciding it would be wise to leave her hands tied for the time being.

"Why don't you let me show you around your new home? I know you will find it most comfortable."

She Belongs to Me [A Stalker Series]Where stories live. Discover now