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Amy Frost was watching television in her apartment when she received the news. Her cellphone rang and she set down the submarine sandwich that she'd been eating to answer it. She listened intently as one of her fellow officers told her that Emily was missing, and that her friends had been assaulted.

"Son of a bitch..." She groaned as she hung up the cellphone. The detective grabbed her coat and rushed out of the apartment. It took her ten minutes to reach the police station. She rushed inside and found James talking to one of the officers inside. He had white bandages wrapped around his head and blood stains on his face.

Amy walked up to the officer questioning him and put her hand on her shoulder. "Thanks, Shirley. I can take it from here." She waited until the officer walked away before turning her attention to the anxious young man. "Please, step with me into my office." She unlocked the door and plopped down on her leather chair.

"Tell me everything that happened."

"I already told that other cop! That freak attacked me and kidnapped Emily!" His chest moved up and down fiercely as each of his breaths grew more and more anxious. The detective spun her chair around and poured him a small cup of water from her water dispenser.

"James, I need you to relax." She said, handing him the cup. "We'll get no where this way."

"Okay..." He took a few sips of the lukewarm water and chunked the paper cup into the trash bin. He ran a hand through his wavy hair as he tried to remember the events of the night. "When we got back to Hope's house he was standing there in the dark. Waiting for us."

"How long were the two of you gone tonight?"

"I don't know.....three, maybe four hours."

"Did you see anything suspicious before you got into the house, or did you see what kind of car Vincent was driving?"

"The only thing I saw was that stupid cop sleeping in his patrol car!!"

"That officer was knocked out with chloroform. We found him bound and gagged."

"Oh..." James said, "Sorry, I didn't know."

"It's alright. I understand your frustration." Amy said, jotting down what little information she was given. The detective knew there was no point in questioning him further. He didn't know anything. "Thank you, James." She muttered, standing from her chair. "If you think of anything else just give me a call."

"Wait, what about Hope? Is she....?"

"She's alive." The detective replied, "Vincent choked her out but he didn't do it long enough to kill her. She should make a full recovery."

"Thank God." James stood from his chair and started walking toward the door. "You will find her, won't you?"

"We'll certainly try our best."

She walked James out to her car and returned to her office. She sighed and pushed the call button on her desk. Officer Shirley quickly appeared and the detective handed her a piece of paper with the suspect's information. "I'm going to need you to go to the university and speak with the dean. Tell him to print out Graves' photo identification." She stood up and grabbed her coat. "I'm going to ride out to Vincent's house to see if I can find anything that'll give us a lead. Let me know when you find something."


Amy pushed past the police tape that wrapped around the broken door. She stepped into the house and started looking around. Everything appeared normal, in fact it was almost too normal. Everything was in perfect order from the spotless living room to the cozy little kitchen. It looked like the kind of place a regular middle class family would live.

The detective examined the pictures on the wall as she made her way down the hallway. There was one picture of an elderly woman sitting on a rocking chair and another one of a little boy clinging onto a teddy bear. "I bet that's him..." Amy murmured to herself, running her fingers over the picture.

She walked further down the hallway until she found the bedroom. She started rummaging through his dresser drawers until she found something that made her blood run cold. There were over thirty different photos of Emily, each of them taken while she was blissfully going about her life; unaware that she was being watched.

She took all of the photos out of the drawer and stuck them into a plastic bag. "This guy is a real nut job.."


AN: Hey guys! I told you I would get this next chapter out soon, haha. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed it!

And I just wanted to say that I really appreciate all the comments. I'm sorry if I don't respond to all of them, but I promise I read every single one and they make me smile! :)

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