The Diner

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Nausea consumed my stomach as we stepped into the diner. The place was a dump! There was mold on the ceiling, cracks on the floor, and a smell that I could only guess was stale cheese. The fact that there were actually customers here was absolutely astounding!

As I was restraining the urge to vomit, an older woman garbed in a pink waitress' uniform walked up to us. "Good afternoon!" She said, flashing us a smile. Her front teeth were covered in her tacky purple lipstick. "Would ya'll like a table or a booth?"

"Actually, we won't be staying....umm-" I scanned my eyes over her name tag. "-Tiffany. We just needed to use your restroom."

"You sure?" She asked, grabbing a couple of menus from behind the cash register. "We have the best peach cobbler within a hundred miles."

"I'm sure that you do but-"

"Come on! Treat that cute little girlfriend of yours to a nice lunch."

Emily folded her arms in front of her chest and frowned. "Actually, I'm not his-"

"Well, I suppose we could have a quick bite before getting back on the road." I interupted, wrapping my arm around Emily's shoulder. "What do you say, sweetheart?"

"Sure. Whatever." Emily mumbled. I grabbed her wrist and escorted her to a booth in the back corner of the room. She murmured something under her breath as I helped her to sit down. I sighed and turned my attention back to the waitress. She had a note pad in her hand and was pulling a pencil from behind her ear.

"What would you kids like to start off with?" She asked, "Some fried pickles or cheesesticks?"

The thought of eating anything from this rat hole made my stomach even more nauseous; but I didn't want to draw any negative attention to myself. So I gave Tiffany a big smile and said, "We'll just have some of that famous peach cobbler."

"Two peach cobblers coming right up!" She jotted the order down then pointed to a small hallway right behind our table. "And the bathroom's right there, honey. Help yourselves."

"Thanks.." Emily said, standing up from the table. I watched her as she made her way into the bathroom.

"She sure is a quiet one." Tiffany said, scratching her head. "She okay?"

"She's fine." I answered through clenched teeth. "Just a little car sick."

The waitress stared in Emily's direction a few more seconds before scurrying off into the kitchen. I pulled my cellphone out of my pocket and set the timer for thirty seconds. If Emily wasn't out before then I was going to go in there after her.


~Emily's POV~

I locked the bathroom door behind me and started looking for a way out. There was a small window above one of the stalls but there was no way I could fit through it. There had to be something I could do to get away from him! I knew that telling anyone was out of the question.

I couldn't allow him to hurt anyone else because of me. But what could I do!?

I looked around the small bathroom for something, anything, that I could use to make my escape. And that's when I saw a stick of used eyeliner lying on top of the gross sink. 'Please let this work..' I thought as I picked it up and started scribbling on the mirror.

Help! My name is Emily Hayden and I've been kidnapped. We're in a black Lincoln Towncar and-

There was a heavy knock on the door. I jumped and dropped the eyeliner pencil. "Who-who is it?"

"You know damn well who it is.." Vincent said from the other side. "Your thirty seconds is up. Come out."

"Umm....just a second." I stammered, "I'm just washing my hands."

I picked the eyeliner back up and wrote one more thing.

Call Amy Frost! 989-768-3434

I threw the pencil down on the floor and opened the door. Vincent was standing there with a glare on his face. I quickly tried to close the door behind me before he could see the mirror but he stopped the door with his hand. "What were you doing in there?" He asked suspiciously.

"N-nothing! I swear I was just peeing!"

He ignored me and pushed the door further open. When he saw the message I'd written his eyebrows pulled down into a deeper frown and he grabbed my arm, pushing me back into the bathroom. "What the hell is this?"

He grabbed a paper towel from the dispenser and began running it under some water. "Why do you keep doing these things!?" He demanded, violently wiping my message away. My eyes watered as the black eyeliner smeared across the mirror. How could he have known what I was doing? I was only in here for a minute, if even that long!

"I swear to God, Emily, if you keep testing me...." The rest of the words faded from his lips. He tossed the paper towel into the trash bin and pulled me back into the diner. Tiffany was standing at our table with a confused look on her face. But she smiled when she saw us coming back.

"I thought you kids left." She said, "Your cobblers are ready."

"Do you mind if we take those to go?" Vincent asked, his voice still angry. "I really need to take my girlfriend back home."

"Oh...alright. Let me grab you a box."

Vincent paid for the cobblers and we walked out of the door. He chunked the cobblers in the trash can and led me back to the car. I glanced back sadly at the diner as he started tying my hands back together. "Emily, you have to stop testing me. Please.....I-I love you so much-"

"Well, I'm never going to love you so you may as well just kill me now."

"How could you say that?" Vincent asked, running his hand through my hair. "I would never even think about hurting you!" He closed the car door and stomped over to his side, climbing in and starting the car. He stared ahead blankly out of the window for a few seconds before looking at me with a smile.

"You're going to love our new home, Emily. I just know it...


AN: Hey guys! Sorry it took a little longer to get this one out! I was busier than usual this week lol. Anyway, I promise to the have the next one out by next Wednesday! Love you guys! :3

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