Detective Frost

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I drove down the dark isolated road for twenty minutes before hitting the main highway. I looked down at the speedometer and saw that I was going 85 mph and it wasn't long before blue and red lights were flashing behind me. I heaved a sigh of relief and pulled the BMW to the side of the road. Tears streamed down my cheeks as the police officer stepped out of his patrol car.

This was the safest I've felt in three weeks!

The police officer walked up to the car and motioned for me to roll down the window. He had slick black hair and a handle bar mustache; his name tag read 'Officer Martin Johnson.'

"Young lady.." He said, smacking on a piece of gum. "Do you have any idea how fast you were-" His arms folded in front of his large chest when he noticed that I was crying. "....Ma'am, are you alright?"

That's when I lost it. "Please help me!" I cried, reaching my hands out to grab him. He stepped back and looked at me cautiously. "I just escaped from a psycho path who was holding me prisoner and I-"

The officer raised his hands in the air. "Woah...hold on a minute, little lady." I stopped speaking and he lowered his hands. "Are you telling me that you were kidnapped?"

I nodded my head. "Yes sir. By this psycho named-"

"What's your name?" The officer interupted.

"E-Emily. Emily Hayden."

"Well, Emily, why don't you take a ride with me down to the station? You can give your statement to one of our detectives."


I followed Officer Martin into the police station. There were five other officers inside; three of them were playing cards while the other two sat at their desks typing on computers. They all looked up curiously when they saw me trailing behind Officer Martin. "This way..." He said, leading me to the back of the station to a door that read 'Detective Amy Frost.'

He picked his giant fist up and banged on the door. "Got a girl here, Frost!"

The door opened a few seconds later and there was a pretty woman on the other side wearing a crisp white button-up blouse and black slacks, her blonde hair tossed back into a messy pony tail. She looked to be about my age, maybe a couple of years older, and reminded me of the female detectives I saw on tv.

She glanced at me before looking at the officer. "Thanks, Martin."

"Anytime, darlin'." The officer replied with a wink before heading back to the front of the station. The woman rolled her eyes and extended her arm towards the office. "Right this way.." I stepped into the cramped office and took a seat in the brown chair that sat in front of her desk.

"I'm Amy Frost." She said, plopping down on her leather chair. She reached her hand towards mine and I shook it. "What can I help you with?"

She listened intently as I proceeded to tell her everything; how Vincent had snapped in my apartment that night and kidnapped me, how he's been holding me prisoner for three weeks, and how I managed to escape. When I finished speaking, she pushed a button on her desk and a policeman stepped into her office.

"This young lady claims she was kidnapped and she says that her kidnapper is locked in his house. I want you to go check it out. If you find anyone there bring him in for questioning." She reached into her desk and pulled out a pencil and note pad, handing it to me. "Do you remember how to get there, Emily?"

I nodded my head. "Kind of, but it was really dark. I'm sorry."

"That's alright.." She said, smiling at me. "Just do the best you can."

I jotted the directions on to the note pad and she handed them to the officer. He glanced over them before exiting the office. Detective Frost stood up and I followed suit. "Would you be able to work with a sketch artist so we know what the guy looks like?"

"I'll do my best."

"Good deal." She lead me to another room in the station and I was met by the sketch artist. I spent about forty minutes trying to describe Vincent in great detail and when I was finished Detective Frost pulled me back into her office. "Do you have any friends or family you could stay with? Just until we're sure this guy is behind bars."

"Yes. My friend, Hope." I answered. I knew she wouldn't mind.

"Good.." She said, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a cell phone. "Give me her number and I'll set it up."


AN: I'm so excited to have reached this part in the story! The ride only gets bumpier from here :D BTW, I'm surprised that my book has reached #38 in horror! Thanks to everyone whose made it possible! Love y'all! ^_^

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