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Vincent's POV:

Time seemed to cease as I finished releasing myself inside of Emily. There were so many feelings surging through me; pleasure, ecstasy.....guilt. After a few more minutes I pulled myself out of her and stroked the back of her head. I opened my mouth to tell her how wonderful she was but changed my mind when I saw her hands clenching the blanket.

She was miserable.

"Are you alright?" I asked, concern dripping from my voice. She was silent for a moment before picking up her head and looking at me through tear filled eyes. I bit my bottom lip when I saw three red claw marks across her neck. Perhaps I was a little rougher than I thought.

"I really need to take a hot bath.." She said, her eyes lowering. ".....Please."

"Of course.." I replied, rubbing the back of my head. I went into the restroom and started drawing her a bath. After waiting three minutes for the tub to fill, I carefully picked Emily up from the bed and carried her to the bathtub. "Just call me when you're finished, okay." She didn't respond so I stepped out of the bathroom and started walking down the hall.

My feet hesitated when I heard the shower come on, followed by the sound of soft sobbing. I turned around and picked up my fist to knock on the door. But I quickly lowered it and wandered into the kitchnen. The pot of stew I'd prepared was sitting on the front burner of the stove, probably cold by now.

What a shame.

I poured myself a glass of milk and sat down at the kitchen table to wait on Emily until there was a noise at the front door. It sounded like scratching. Bolting up from my chair, I walked to the door and pulled it open to find Pinkie standing there. Her fur was clumped with dirt and she was shivering. Whoops, I forgot I left her outside the other day. She's probably starving.

"Come on, mutt..." I said, opening the door wider. She followed me into the kitchen and eyed me eagerly as I poured some kibbles into her silver food bowl. She waited until I stepped away from her bowl before she started devouring her meal. Shaking my head, I sat back down at the table and chugged the glass of milk.

Thirty more minutes passed before I decided to check on Emily. I opened the bathroom door to find her sitting in a fetal postion, her head buried into her knees. The steaming water
from the shower head trickled down her exposed body. Emily, you are so beautiful. How can you blame me for wanting to make love to you?

I wrapped my hand around the shower knob and shut the water off. "We'd better get you out of here before you prune..." I said, pulling awhite towel from the cabinet and wrapping it around her. "Please do not be angry with me. I promise next time I will be more gentle."

Her body stiffened and she lifted her head from her knees, staring at me with pursed lips.

"Why don't you finish drying yourself off while I go and grab you a robe.." I walked into the bedroom and grabbed the pink robe that hung in the closet. Just as I was about to head back to the bathroom Pinkie started frantically barking from the living room. What the hell is wrong with her?

"Damn it, dog.." I groaned as I stomped into the living room. "You need to shut the hell-" My sentence fell short when I saw four sets of headlights rapidly approaching the house, three police vehicles and one ambulance. I threw the robe down to the ground and started pacing around with my hands on my head. "Son of a bitch!"

Now what was I going to do!? There was no way out of this. I was going to spend the rest of my life behind prison bars. Wait a minute, dumbass! I thought, trying to calm myself. I can hide Emily in the basement somewhere. There's so much junk down there they'll never find her, and if they can't find her they can't prove I did anything wrong.

I sprinted to the kitchen and flung the cabinet below the sink open to find my jar of chloroform. I poured some into a blue rag before running back into the bathroom.

Emily gazed at me with a bewildered expression. "Hey! What's going-" I stuck the rag over her nose and mouth. She struggled widly for a few seconds then fell limp in my grasp. I put my hands under her arms and hoisted her out of the bathtub.

Pinkie followed closely behind me, still barking, as I dragged Emily down the stairs and into the basement. I glanced around the crowded room until a large box in the back caught my attention.


I carried her over to the box and gently lay her inside. "Don't worry, love. You'll only have to stay in here for a little while."

After making sure she was well hidden I made my way back upstairs and peered out the kitchen window. The cars were parked and five police officers were running towards the front door. Among them was the pretty detective. You finally found me, didn't you? I thought, smiling.

I pulled a steak knife from the silverwear drawer and stuck it into my sock, just in case something went wrong and I needed a weapon. Closing my eyes, I sucked in a deep breath before walking over to the front door and pulling it open. The officers stopped in their tracks when they saw me and raised their guns in the air.

"Freeze!" One of them shouted.

"Get on the ground!" Shouted another.

The pretty detective kept her gun pointed at me as she took a few steps closer. I laced my hands behind my head with a smile and kneeled down to my knees. "Good evening, officer. What seems to be the trouble?"


AN: We're getting so close to the end you guys! Thank you to everyone who has supported me by reading, voting, and commenting! :D

And I want to give a special shoutout to "Theinfiniteyingyang" for making a lovely cover for my book. :D

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