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~Vincent's POV~

The cashier looked at me with an odd expression on his face as I set my items on the counter. One roll of duct tape, a gallon of bleach, and a bottle of acetone. He slowly scanned the three items and reached his hand out for the cash I had in my hand. "You doing a little plumbing?" He pried, handing me the brown paper sack filled with my stuff.

I took it from him and smiled. "Yes sir...something like that."

I walked back out to my car and opened the bottle of bleach, pouring about a cup into a small peanut butter jar. I added a little of the acetone and put the lid back on the jar and carefully shook it around so the chemicals could mix. When I was taking chemistry in high school, I remembered my teacher telling the class that you should never mix the two chemicals.

Because they made chloroform...

"Alright, Pinkie..." I said. She was sitting in the passenger seat chewing on a dog treat. "Let's go get her."

I stuck the jar in the backseat and started the car. Hope's house was only a block away so it wasn't long before I was parked across the street. There was a police man sitting in his patrol car in front of the house. I was going to have to get rid of him quietly. I grabbed the jar and duct tape and stuck them into my jacket pocket then popped open the hood and stepped out of the car.

I pulled the hood of my jacket over my head to try and conceal my face as much as possible. Ahh....great!" I groaned loudly, trying to get the officer's attention. He glanced at me for a second before looking back down at a magazine in his hands. I threw my arms up dramatically in the air and started pacing back and forth in front of the car. It wasn't long before the officer opened his door and walked up to me.

"What seems to be the trouble?"

"I'm not sure.." I said. "The stupid thing just quit on me."

"Why don't you let me take a look?" He stuck his head down into the hood. I looked around to make sure there were no neighbors outside before digging the jar out of my pocket. The officer was scratching his head as I poured the mixture onto a handkerchief. "Hmm...that's weird. I can't seem to find anything wr-"

I stuck the handkerchief over the officer's nose and mouth, wrapping my free arm around his neck. "Sorry officer...it's nothing personal." I said as he violently struggled under my grip. He was a big guy so it took a few minutes before he collapsed in my arms. I looked around again to make sure there were no witnesses before dragging the unconcious officer to his patrol car. After binding and gagging him with the duct tape, I dug his badge out of his pocket.

"Officer Johnson, huh?" I said. "Well, thanks for the badge."

My heart raced profusely as I made my way up to Hope's porch. I was finally going to have Emily back! I balled my hand into a fist and knocked on the door. "Just a sec!" Hope called from the other side. I could hear her footsteps running to the door. "Who's there?" She asked, no doubt looking through the peephole. I flashed the officer's badge in front of it so she couldn't see my face.

"Officer Smith, ma'am. May I come in?"

"Where's the other cop?" She asked warily.

"I'm his relief. I need to come in to make a routine check around the house. Please open the door."

I heard the click of a lock and the door was opened. Hope was standing there wearing a pink nightgown that read "Boys r stoopid" with pink slippers to match. Her face was covered in some sort of green gook and her blonde hair was pulled back into curlers. She looked absolutely ridiculous.

She stared at my face for a moment and smiled. "Wow, you're cute." She said, "Come on in."

"Umm...thanks." I mumbled, perplexed and relieved that she didn't recognize me. She had never seen me on campus, but I figured Emily would have described me to everyone in great detail.

That wasn't very smart of you, Emily. I thought as I followed her into the house.

"Where's Emily?" I asked, looking around the room.

"She's out with a friend." She answered. "That detective lady said it was cool."

"Oh....well, do you know when she'll be back?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "Beats me."

"Well..." I said through clenched teeth. "Do you mind if I wait here until she gets back?"

"No problem." She replied. She stood up from the chair and extended her arm towards the living room. "Why don't we wait in here. It's much more comfortable." I followed her in and fell onto a beige recliner. There was an old black and white horror movie on the television screen. My mind immediately went to Emily. "Emily would love this movie..." I said mindlessly.

My body stiffened in the recliner and I looked over at Hope. 'Damn it! Why did I have to say that!?'

Hope's eyes widened and she took a few steps away from me. "Oh my God..." She said, putting her hand over her mouth. "You're him! You're Vincent!"

She turned around to run out of the living room and I lunged out of the recliner. I grabbed her by the arms and shoved her against the wall. "Where is she!?" I yelled, squeezing her tightly. "Where's Emily!?"

But of course instead of answering me she started screaming. I reached my hand up to cover her mouth and she bit it. I hissed in pain and slapped her across the cheek. "I don't want to hurt you!" I screamed, grabbing the sides of her head with my hands. "I just need you to tell me where she is!"

"Go to hell!" She choked, trying to intimidate me. But her voice was trembling.

"You stupid bitch!" I cried, wrapping my hands around her throat. "I gave you a chance to talk!"

She clawed at my hands as my grip around her throat tightened. Her face was turning purple from the lack of oxygen and she stared at me through terrified blue eyes. "Why couldn't you just listen to me!?" Tears poured down my cheeks as I choked her and it wasn't long before her body fell limp in my arms. I quickly released her and watched in horror as she fell at my feet.

'What have I done!?'

"Oh my God..." I kneeled down in front of Hope and took her wrist into my hand. There was no pulse. I stood up and rapidly began pacing around the room with my hands on my head. "I didn't mean to do it! Oh God, Emily's going to hate me!" I started running towards the front door, ready to get the hell out of there, until I heard the sound of a car door close. I stuck my eye into the peephole and saw Emily and her friend, James walking towards the house.

My heart beat quickened. I was so very close to getting her back!!

I yanked a nearby lamp off of the table and raised it in the air. I was going to have to get James out of the way first.

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