Guess Who?

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Do you wonder how that guy even lives up in my attic?! I mean, there's nothing in here...

Marinette and I start walking to the other side of the attic when she asks, "do you think about how he's even living up here??"

"Of course! This is MY house after all... Maybe he's one of the servants or somethin" I grumble. It's a pretty big attic and you can't get lost in it so it was kinda easy for me to find my way to the end using my night vision.

To put it simply, we didn't know what to do next when we got to the door. I was holding her hand so she wouldn't fall since she can't really see. But now, we stood still.

I heard murmurs from the others side and I felt the tension rise in my gut. "Are you ready m'lady?" I whispered. "Ready as I will ever be kitty" she whispers back. I clicked the knob, again and again. Didn't budge. Darn I should have checked before... But then again, I was afraid to loose and not have someone to help.

"Use cataclysm" she whispers. "Ok, Cataclysm" I whisper and break the knob. Now the time's ticking. Five minutes exactly. Ready, go.

We bust down the door, expecting to just see him sitting in a corner or something. But he was standing in the middle of the room.

Butterflies flutter around when we disturbed the presents, settling above. I decide to take action. I scamper and pounce onto him and take a long stare at his face.

He has a poker face, not even blinking. "Get off of me stupid cat!" He growled and threw me off of him. "How did you find me?" He grumbles.

I don't want to tell him this is my dad's house so I said "we found a pattern around this house". He nods and gets up. Ladybug then acts.

She jumps into the air and tries to do a roundhouse kick into his face till he grabbed her by her leg. Wow. She was let go and she fell in front of him.

Both of us are down, great. "Why are you here today? Honestly, I wasn't prepared for today rather tomorrow... I don't even have my good clothes!" He laughs. Two minutes. Crap.

"Ladybug I need to recharge!!" I yell to her. She looks at me with a worried expression and I get up and try to run out of the room till I realized that the door was shut.
I don't know how... But it was. One minute left. I bump into the door, actually breaking it down since it was wood or something...
I ran and jumped down the hole, landing on my feet on the marble floor of the kitchen. I released Plagg and turned back. Everyone there was staring. Crap. I didn't know the chef's were still there!!

"Mr. Agreste?" A chef asked as I got up. I laughed nervously and ran to the fridge, getting some cheese and running out of the room.

"Plagg hurry up. I need to help Marinette" I urge him. He eats pretty quickly and when he was done, I turn into Cat Noir again and ran back into the kitchen. The chef's were startled at me barging in and climbing up the wooden stairs in such a rush but I didn't mind it. I always have people staring at me. It's not freaky.

I ran back into the room and Marinette is sitting in a corner, tied up, unconscious. "What did you do to her?!" I yell. "Back so soon kitty?" He asks me. "Tell me what you did to her!" I yell again.

"Simply knocked her unconscious with a spell that would wake her up and turn her against you!" He grins wickedly. "You didn't take her miraculous?" I asked. "No, rather I will wait till she defeats you to take both of your miraculouses at the same time!" He laughs. It's scary, I know!! I just want to run and hide but I face the fact I could be the only one facing against my partner and the villain.

I started for Marinette as she had woken up, starting to take off the ropes around her. "Here I will help" I offer but she gives me a cold glare. "Cat Noir leave me alone. I no longer care for your affection. Just stop helping me and start worrying that I will kick your butt" she mutters, placing a hand on my neck but not choking me. I can feel her hand trembling, maybe she's still in there, but the words hit me.

"Marinette I.... I will save you. Trust me" I say, seeing her earrings had turned completely purple with black spots.... Though you can really seem them...

She then gets up and starts to get her yoyo thing and I decided I would end up going to Hawkmoth instead. I wouldn't face her. No.

She sees me walking and she throws the yoyo, tangiling my arm in the rope. I start clawing at it but she pulls me. Hawkmoth stands in the corner, watching the battle. Looks like he really doesn't want to fight just yet.

He DID say he rather see me get beat by Ladybug. I need to find a weakness. I can't take her miraculous, Hawkmoth would see who she is and they can't exactly break... They are like... Steel or something hard. She yanks my arm again. She grins wickedly. I'm not sure how she got akumatized but I don't know how I got to be that way with that arrow guy.

I gasp, realizing I could use cataclysm to break the rope. So I yelled "cataclysm!!" And snapped the rope. Five minutes again. Only five minutes. Ok so the first minute was was me running over to Marinette and taking her arm and putting it behind her back.

Minute two was me getting a roundhouse kick to the gut and sent to the wall, falling to the ground in a heap.

Three was Marinette walking to me and me finally realizing what I had to do since it worked the last time Marinette did it to me.

Minute four was Marinette making me stand up and I did, taking her arm again and this time, pinning her to the wall behind me. I kissed her. She was shocked but then kissed me back.
A butterfly fluttered out. I was relieved and I took Marinette out of the room and I jumped down the hole again. She stayed in the attic, taking care of the akuma that possessed her.

I repeated the whole cheese thing but the chefs have gone. Thank the lord's. And I went back up, running to the room and finally planting a roundhouse kick to Hawkmoths chest. He grunts, falling down.

I knelt beside him, wondering what his miraculous was. I finally figured out it was his bow. He grumbles something but I just grab his bow and yank.

Marinette runs into the room when I took off the miraculous. He materialized back into his true form. Whitish blonde hair at the top with a curl at the front. White jacket with a red and white thing around his neck. Someone I think I know. No. I know.

My father.

((So sorry I haven't updated!!! XDD school started and I have to memorize a monologue for Theatre. To put this simply, the week was tourture. But hey!! I haven't forgetten you!! I will keep updating every weekend for the week will be time for school and homework and theatre production... Every Sunday I will start working on the next chapter and every Saturday, I think I will release it. Or somewhere in the weeks!! Again, sorry to leave ya on a cliffhanger!! Bye my friends!!))

Dreaming (A Miraculous Ladybug Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now