Kitty's a Kitty (Marinette POV)

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I didn't lie! I said soon right? No? Oh well. Marinette gets her POV for a bit and THEN we go to Kitty's father!! XD I am so mean for lying... Sorry babs!! Still love you all!! :)

Adrien this is not happening again. He is a cat again JUST GREAT. "Plagg stop turning Adrien into a cat" I mumble, picking up Adrien from the floor. Today was suppose to be the day we all went out so I went over to Adrien's as was told in the car.

I was wearing a pretty red dress (we were going to a fancy restaurant) and a black bag with my compact, some mints, toothpicks, my phone, and Tikki inside.

I shook Adrien till he clawed me. "Adrien!! I want Plagg out of there!! Alya and Nino are gonna be here any second and-" I stop when the doorbell rings. Adrien's mom rushes from the other room and opens it. It was a delivery oh thank god.

"I want to know why you wanted to transform anyways! We are going someplace fancy! And Cat Noir is not attending! Adrien is!!" I grumble. His mom looks at me strangely.

"Marinette why are you talking to a cat?" She asks. "It's your son.. Adrien. His kwami is playing tricks again" I mumble and place Adrien on the floor. I held onto the ring on my finger as last time.

"Adrien? That cat?? His kwami?" She asks. "Ya know, the companion that helps us turn into our superhero form" I say. "Ohh Plagg! I remember now. Kwami is the name.... Ok" she walks off with the package.

Adrien wants to follow but I swoop him upwards and cradle him in my arms. "Now kitty kitty. Your mom is going to your dad to give the package so we don't want your dad to know there's a cat in the house" I say, poking his nose. He wrinkles his nose and sneezes.

"Cutie. Plagg you better get out of there soon cause they could be arriving any time now" I frown. I went with Adrien to the stair case to sit down as I was very tired of standing. He continuously climbs up and down the stairs, having at least some fun. I grab my bag and see what else I had in my bag as I just threw in random things. Oh a ribbon. I was gonna put that in my hair but it will be fun for a bit to use it for Kitty.

"Here kitty kitty. Come get the ribbon" I tease. Adrien extends a paw upward to the ribbon as I extend my hand back. He leaps onto my lap and plays with the ribbon. "Your so gullible" I giggle, placing the ribbon back in the bag and kissing Adrien on the head.

He meows and purrs when I pet him. Why is his fur so silky? God its like... A warm blanket. I lean my head on his black fur and I can hear the purrs more.. loudly now. His heart is beating fast, maybe since cats have a different heartbeat from humans. But I hear it. He stiffened, turning into stone.

"Kitty you are warm" I smile, closing my eyes. I hear clicks of heels. I look up to see Natalie walking to the door. Oh no. I see two figures at the door. It was Alya and Nino.

"Hey Marinette!!" Alya says, noticing me with the cat. "Cat Noir's cat again?" She asks. "No no! It's Adriens cat! Shu" I made up a name. The ring beeps, it's two claws now. Good.

"Where is Adrien anyway?" Nino asks. "Oh he is just getting into the shower. He takes a long time heh heh" I laugh. I play with Adrien's paw and he meows.

"Can I hold him?" Alya asks. "Yeah sure. He is nice" I say. One claw. "Beep?" Alya asks. I hid the ring behind me and giggled. "My phone!! It was my mom" I quickly say.

"Oh ok.. such a cutie you are Shu!" Alya giggles, rubbing her face on his fur. He has a "I'm bored get me out of here" face. And zero claws. "Oh ok! I heard Adrien!! Gotta take Shu!!" I grab Adrien quickly and ran up the stairs. Nino and Alya were staring at me blankly.

I tripped and fell, releasing Adrien and he just continued running. I catched up to him and found he was clawing at the restroom door. I opened it and he ran inside. I closed the door and heard a poof.

"It is all your fault Plagg!! Ugh I should have not trusted ya!" I heard Adrien yell. "Hahaha Shu!!" I heard Plagg laugh. I giggle and I hear Adrien's huffing as he leans against the door. Or at least I think he's on the door.

Oh he is. "Adrien? Let's just go. Get dressed" I whisper. I don't hear a reply. But five minutes later, I heard a click and I moved from the door.

He stepped out, wearing a fancy black coat. He had a black and green striped tie. "Let's go m'lady" he held out an arm and I locked mine.

We ascended the stairs, Nino and Alya cheering. I smile. Adrien's mom comes out of the nearby room with a camera. She takes a few pics. I smile, hoping I didn't look like a psycho. Adrien smiled too.

"Awww the two lovebirds~" Alya giggles. "Look at my Adrien" his mom comes up to him and she kisses his forehead. "Mommm" he groans, wiping away red lipstick.

"Alright have fun you guys! I told your parents that you guys would be back at your houses at eight" Adrien's mom warns. We all nod and leave the house and get into the car.

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