Pet (pt. 1) Mari POV

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(Last updated December 22, 15)

OMG GOOD NEWS!! Ok so we were all talking about it. We all decided to put our money together and go to a really cool restaurant that just opened up!! And Adrien decided it won't be official until he made cards. So he did. And mine came in the mail today!!! *happy noises*

Oh and today, Ladybug and Cat Noir are suppose to be attending some sort of festival for us. Seriously how much does the city of Paris care for us?! Well too much considering we are having a play being done and a festival.

"M'lady. We are gonna be late if you don't hurry" I heard the familiar voice behind me. I spun around to see Adrien behind me. "Well you seem to be taking your time too! Your not even in your costume!!" I look at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Well I was planning on transforming outside but inside is better since no one will see me. Can I use your restroom by any chance?" He asks. "Ok? Are you gonna transform in there?" I ask. "Yeah!! But I also need to use the toilet" he laughs a bit but then runs off downstairs to the bathroom.

"Silly kitty" I laugh and turn into Ladybug in a snap. I wait for five minutes till I knew something has happened when I heard something clatter. My parents are not here, they are at a party. "Kitty?? Adrien?" I call, looking outside the door. He doesn't answer.

"Come on you silly kitty don't play jokes with me!" I step out of my room and go down the stairs. I hear clatter in the bathroom. "Adrien I swear-" I don't finish. I open the door to see that no one was in here. But a black cat sat on the seat and glared at me.

"OHMYGOSH ADRIEN?!" I threw myself to my knees and grabbed the cat. "Adrien is that you?! Answer me!!" It occurs to me cats can't speak. The ring of his. Where is it?

It was on the sink, resting there. It was black now, not white. "Kitty I swear is this even normal?!" I pull at my hair. "I think it's not Marinette. Something has happened to Adrien" I hear Tikki's voice resonate in my ear.

I pick up both the cat and the ring and ran. Just strait up ran. Ran outside, ran on the sidewalk, ran past the festival, and ran to Adrien's house. I ring the buzzer till I hear a voice.

"This is the Agreste residents.. What is it that you have come for?" A lady asks. I remember the voice since I heard her when I dropped off Adrien's present. "Hi uh, it's me, Ladybug... Uh, I need to ask Adrien something" I laugh nervously, Adrien meowing and pawing at my hair. "You may enter" the voice says.

The gates open and I ran up the stairs to the door. The lady opens the door and sends me to where Adrien's room was. "Adrien? You have a guest" the lady says and walks off. I open Adrien's door and closed it abruptly.

I set Adrien off on the floor and he curls up on my lap when I sat on the bed of his. "Oh how can this happen Adrien? I need to... The festival!! We are gonna be late!!" I forgot about it and jumped off the bed with Adrien's ring now on my finger and him in my hands. We jumped on the rooftops and made it to the park where everyone was chatting away. "Look everyone!! Ladybug!!" Someone points me out and everyone starts to yell and scream like I'm some sort of pop star performing at a concert.

"Hey everyone!! Cat Noir cannot attend today but his... Pet, Calico, will be with me" I say, taking his small paw and moving it up and down. People did their aww's and how cute's and I safely got down with Catty still meowing. He hissed at me when I said pet. Hehe. Pet.

"Can I pet him?" A little girl asks, her mom watching. "Sure. He's a feisty one" I giggle. Catty relaxed in my arms, maybe even not caring that it happened. Maybe he doesn't even know what happened. Will he even remember?

"Thank you Ladybug!!" She giggles and runs off. "Ok Catty, I'm getting tired of holding you, I'm setting you on the ground so follow me to the mayor" I say, setting my Kitty on the ground.

"Good. Now let's go" I walk along, looking back to see him following me. I wonder what he is thinking?

We made it to the mayor! Finally! "Oh Ladybug! What happened to Cat Noir again?" He smiles at me. "He is sick. Told me to take Calico here. He's a bit feisty but he's a cutie!" I say, picking up Catty. He meows (probably trying to say hi) and the mayor takes his paw and shakes it.

"Surely he is a cute one. Do you like the festival?" He asks, clamping his hands. "Yes thank you so much. I only wish Kitty was here" I laugh. "Kitty?? Oh that's your name for Cat!!" He laughs until someone takes him to the corner. It was Chloe.

"Why isn't Adrien here?!" She whines. "Now now sweetie, I invited the Agreste family. They shall be here soon" he tries to sooth her. She groans and looks at me. I blink.

"OMG LADYBUG!!" She squeals, running up to me and hugging me. "Oh uh please stop hugging!! I'm gonna drop Calico here!!" I say, holding Catty, him whining.

"Oh such a cutie!! Is this Cat Noir's pet?" She asks, reaching in to pet him. "Yeah. His pet. He's feisty. I don't think he will like ya" I say and she places her hand on Adrien's small head. A beep was heard.

"Oh my!! I gotta run!!" I say, taking Chloe's hands off of Adrien (who was squirming) and ran off into an ally outside of the park. I looked at his ring. Finally some sort of sign that he will return back to normal soon!!

"It's ok Adrien, it will be ok" I pet him and sat down on the floor. He purrs as I stroke his small head and rubbed his back. "Mreooow" he lets out and stretches out his legs and falls asleep on my lap. Wow. Such a tired pet. Haha, pet.

Dreaming (A Miraculous Ladybug Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now