Chapter 17

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"Laura!" Laura heard her mother shout up the stairs, "Get up, it's time for school!" 

 Laura got dressed and did her hair, she was going to have another confrontation with Connor today, there was no avoiding it.  

 She looked at her time table, Science was her first class, it was also the only class she shared with Connor, well, until next week when he was moving into their Maths and English. His teacher retired, and the class was getting split up. 

 Laura ran downstairs and got a piece of toast. She said goodbye to her mam, grabbed her bag and ran out the door.  

 What would happen when she got to school? What will his excuse be? Or will he even have one? Will he just ignore her and act like he didn't do anything? She wondered this all the way to school.

The moment she arrived he came up to her, "Laura, I am so sorry, I-" he started, but Laura interrupted him, "Listen, Connor, I actually really liked you. For once, I actually liked a guy, and you let me down. I can't believe you, who do you think you even are? Just because you're on YouTube you think you can get anyone, you think it's okay to treat people like crap, but I'm not going to take it. Save your apologies and excuses, because I gave you a second chance, and you blew it. Big time. You had your last chance. Goodbye, Connor." Laura walked off.  

 Connor followed her, "Laura, please just let me explain!" he pleaded, "I-I was grounded, an-and my phone-" 

 "I said leave it, Connor!" Laura walked into the school, people were starting to stare.  

 Connor watched Laura walk off, and he screamed down the hall, "Laura please! One more chance!" he ran up to her.  

 "I said no!" Laura yelled, losing her temper, they were attracting a crowd now. Laura opened her locker to distract herself, "It's gonna take a lot more than 'sorry', Connor." 

 "Laura-" he said.  

 "Just leave it." said Laura, closing her locker quietly. She was close to crying.  

 "Please, I never meant to stand you up, if I could just explain. I swear I have a good reason-" 

 Laura was crying now, "I was humiliated! I was humiliated by you! And now you want to explain! Why? What can you possibly say that will make this better?" she yelled.  

 Connor looked around, there was a big crowd around them, they looked angry at him, he lowered his voice to a whisper, "I never meant to hurt you, I swear, I have a-" 

 "-reason," Laura finished for him, "dammit Connor, I told you! I don't wanna hear it! Just leave me alone! I hate you!" she yelled.  

 Connor looked hurt, and Laura felt bad, "Listen, I'm sorry, I just, I-" Laura cut off.  

 She pushed through the crowd, she couldn't take it, she was crying. Nobody had seen her cry. She ran to the bathroom, Dannielle saw her and followed her.  

 She locked herself in a stall, and Dannielle waited outside. "You alright?" she asked.  

 Other people had followed them into the bathroom, "Do you mind?" Dannielle snapped, and they backed off.  

 "I-I'm fine," Laura said quietly, she was crying even more.  

 "I know you aren't, I heard what happened, Chloe told me. Don't mind him, Laura, he isn't worth it. He's only a guy." 

 "He's a guy that I liked!" Laura cried even harder.  

 "Let me in," demanded Dannielle, and she heard the door unlock. She went in and hugged Laura, "Aw Laura, don't cry, I told you, he isn't worth it." 

 "I-I just," Laura sniffed, "I thought he was a good guy."  

 "Come on," said Dannielle, ''we're ditching Science, I'll get Chelsea to say we went home, she's outside, she wants to see if you're okay." 

 Laura exited the stall and Chelsea hugged her, "Thanks, Shelly." she sniffed.  

 "Want me to beat him up?" asked Chelsea.  

 "Nah," Laura laughed, "he's had enough of that for me." 

 Chelsea laughed, "Well, I'm always here! I'll tell Mr. Browning that you both went home." 

 "Thanks, Shelly, why don't you come too, though?" asked Laura.  

 "Are you joking? I'm grounded if my grades drop again! I'll be fine, I have Niamh in school with me." she smiled, Niamh was another one of their best friends.  

 She had bright red straight hair down to her shoulders, and was tall and slim. She was very pretty. "Where is Niamh?" Laura asked. 

 "Probably late, as usual." Chelsea joked.  

 "Okay," said Laura.  

 "Let's go!" said Dannielle.  

 Dannielle and Laura left the school, talking and laughing. Laura was happy she didn't have to go to school today, well of course, her mother thought she was in school, but the teachers knew otherwise. Chelsea would tell them all they had gone home.  

 Laura was upset, but at least she wouldn't have to see Connor again today.

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