Chapter 14

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Laura got home and thought, a lot. Should she go see Connor? Should she not?  

 She heard about him getting beat up in school that day, and she felt guilty. People were saying it was her fault. It was that guy Micheal who beat him up, but she didn't know why. People had said he liked her for years, but she never thought they were actually right. Truth was, she had liked him too. She wondered if he would even show up because of that, until she saw another text from Connor.

Hey, I'm still going tonight, sorry if I look a tiny bit off. Connor xx

What to do? she wondered.  

 I'm going, she decided. She did like Connor, despite everything. He was nice, charming, funny, and good looking, the perfect guy.  

 She looked at the time, five o'clock, she would have to get ready fast. She straightened her hair and threw on skin coloured tights, a black skater skirt and a multicoloured belly top, and a grey hoodie on top of it. She put on black Vans. This outfit complimented her figure.  

 She put black eyeliner on her eyes, along with natural coloured eye shadow and black mascara. She didn't bother with powder or foundation, she was in too much of a hurry, also, she got her nose pierced the week before and was not allowed wear foundation. She got a tiny emerald stud in her nose, it was barely noticeable. She applied some natural lip gloss, and straightened her hair again. She was very particular about her hair.  

 She checked the clock again, twenty to six, time was getting away from her. She looked in the mirror again, she thought she looked nice.  

 She ran down the stairs and grabbed her handbag. "Going somewhere?" asked her mother.  

 "Um, yeah, meeting friends from school?" Laura replied, she hated the 'going out interrogation', as she called it.  

 "Who?" asked her mother.  

 "Oh, em, my friend, Connor." 

 "A boy?"  

 "Yeah, he's just a friend though," Laura reassured her mother, "he's only moved here, doesn't know many people." 

 "Oh well, have a good time," her mother smiled. "and be in for half eleven, school day!" she added.  

 "Of course, mam." Laura smiled, opening and exiting the hall door.  

 She was on her way to give Connor another chance.

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