Chapter 11

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Laura got in to English class, were Dannielle was anxiously waiting, "How did it go?" she asked.  

 "Well, they're both asses." Laura said harshly.  

 "Both? Both as in who? Connor and Kian?"-Laura nodded.-"Really? How? What did he do?" 

 Laura told Dannielle everything, from Kian apologising, to her losing it and snapping at Connor. 

 "I'm so sorry," said Dannielle, sympathetically, "I know how much you like Connor." she added.  

 "What?" Laura scoffed, "Me? Like Connor? Haha, no, the only reason I went on that stupid 'date' -if that's even what you could call it,- was for you, because of Kian." Laura lied.  

 Laura had finally accepted the truth, she liked Connor Franta. She had never been the kind of girl who would like guys, because she was afraid of getting hurt. Typical, she thought, the one time I let my guard down... 

 "Laura?" Dannielle snapped her back to reality, "I know you like him, we've been best friends for over six years now, I know you."  

 "It doesn't matter anymore," snapped Laura, "he's an ass." 

 "Laur-" Dannielle started, but Laura interrupted her with "Just leave it, ok?" 

 Dannielle felt bad for Laura, but all the thoughts were gone as soon as he walked in the room; Jamie Follesé.  

 Dannielle couldn't help but stare, but she noticed something. Jamie usually sat on the other side of the room, but he seemed to be heading for her desk. She noticed him looking at her, and tried to fix her already perfect hair. 

 "Hey," he said, walking over.  

 Dannielle nearly passed out, she had never been good at talking to guys. "H-Hey!" she stuttered.

 "Obvious much?" Laura said, disguising the question with a cough so Jamie couldn't hear. He looked at Laura funny. "Sorry," she 'apologised', "my asthma always acts up around this time of year. You know, autumn." she smiled.  

 "Um, okay?" he said, sounding unsure, "So, Dannielle, I heard about you and that other guy, Kian." 

 "Yeah, what about it?" Laura asked, feeling annoyed again.  

 "Well, first let me say that what he did, that just wasn't cool, and a girl as pretty as you deserves better,"-Dannielle blushed, and Laura cleared her throat, she didn't like 'mushy romantic stuff'-"and um," Jamie continued nervously, "well, my band is playing at the, erm, the Academy on Friday, and I have two tickets, I was wondering if you want, I mean, you and Laura, wanted to come. They're front row seats!" he added, trying to sound enthusiastic, but he just sounded like he was trying too hard.  

 "We'd love to!" Laura said, enthusiastically, before Dannielle could reject. Laura shot Dannielle a look telling her that if she denied there would be hell to pay, Dannielle nodded.  

 "Great! I'll text you the deets!" Said Jamie, happily, "Oh, by the way, can I have your number?"  

 "Sure!" smiled Dannielle, and she got a pen and wrote her number down on Jamie's hand. Jamie smiled at Dannielle and Dannielle smiled back. "Mushy!" Laura said, again disguising it as another cough, "Woah my asthma'a acting up today!" she added.  

 Jamie gave Dannielle a last uncertain smile and walked off to his seat.  

 Dannielle sighed happily, Jamie Follesé asked her out on a date. Well, at least she thought he did, It sure sounded like an invitation for a date, she thought. She could never tell these things. 

 "That's a date, right?" she asked Laura.  

 "Um, yeah!" Laura said.  

 "Cool," Dannielle said, trying to sound relaxed, but she couldn't hide the happiness in her voice.  

 Laura make a retching motion, as if she was about to be sick, "I hate romance." she said, jokingly.  

 "Oh shut up!" Dannielle laughed.  

 The teacher walked in and the class began. Dannielle had a date with Jamie! She was so happy! 

 Laura was happy for Dannielle too, of course. But her happiness soon faded when she saw she had a text from no one else but Connor Franta. It read;

Can we talk? I didn't mean to make you or Dannielle mad or upset! I swear, please, I really don't want u to hate me. If you want to talk, ill be at KFC and six tonight. I understand if you don't want to come, but please just think about it. Ill be waiting there either way. x

 Laura read the message, but ignored it. It would take alot more than a text message to fix this mess. She decided to forget about the text and go back to being happy for Dannielle, she didn't need Connor.

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