Chapter 7

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Connor better appreciate this! thought Kian as he walked down the road to meet Connor.

He saw Connor, ''Hey!'' he shouted.

''Hey, you ready to get back to Chloe and Sam?'' Connor asked, walking down to Kian.

''Nah, Sam texted me, they're gone back to his house.''

''Oh, alright. How did it go with Dannielle?'' Connor asked, curiously.

''All I'm saying,'' said Kian, ''is you better appreciate what I'm doing for you, all cause you like this girl!''

''She's not just 'this girl','' said Connor, hotly, ''she has a name! Laura!''

''Alright!'' said Kian, ''Chill, ok? I didn't mean to make you mad! All I'm saying is that I think it's wrong for me to pretend to like this Dannielle one just so you'll have a chance with Laura! Hell, I even kissed her! All so she'll think I like her, ok? Then I'll do 'the plan'. Go out with her, get in a good word. I just think it's wrong Connor... She's a great girl, she deserves better.''

''Come on, man! You're my wingman! It's your job!''

''Yeah, I know, but usually I just occupy the ugly chicks, and Dannielle's far from ugly! She's pretty, nice, funny, she has all the qualities!''

''Dude, shut up! You have a girlfriend. Andrea, remember?''

''I know, dude!'' said Kian, ''That makes it worse! I hate sneaking around on her!''

''She's not gonna find out! Please, do this for me? Laura's perfect! She's funny, pretty, random and just perfect! Please, Kian!''

''What if Dannielle finds out?'' asked Kian, ''Dannielle will hate me, and Laura will hate you! There's no way she'll go out with you after that!''

''How will they find out?'' asked Connor, accusingly.

''Listen, lets just get home, it's getting dark.'' said Kian.

''Yeah, alright.'' said Connor, coldly.

''Dude, are you mad or something?'' asked Kian.

''I don't know, Kian, should I be? Cause honestly, it feels like your hinting at something, like your gonna tell Dannielle or Laura or something, and I swear, if you do, I'll tell Andrea.''

''You wouldn't dare,'' said Kian.

''Watch me,'' replied Connor, ''my house is this way, see you tomorrow.''

He walked off, Kian couldn't believe it, they had never fought before.

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