Chapter 10

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After an excruciatingly painful Maths class, Laura finally got to Science, a class that she shared with Connor and Kian. Chelsea was talking to them both, looking star-struck.

''Oh, hey!'' said Connor, smiling, as he noticed Laura.

''Hey,'' Laura said, looking at Kian, who looked at his book.

''Everything alright?'' asked Connor, nervously, noticing the tension.

''I don't know, Kian, is it? Or do you have something to tell us?'' Laura said, still staring at Kian.

''I swear I wouldn't have done it! It was Sam who told her and gave her Dannielle's number an-'' Kian started, but what interrupted by Connor asking, 'Woah, what's wrong?''

''Kian's lied this whole time,'' Laura said, ''he's still with Andrea, but he told Dannielle they had broken up, hadn't you?''-Kian looked guilty.-''And you were flirting with her, Kian. I had more respect for you! Did you even like her at all?''-Kian tried to defend himself, but couldn't get a word in, ''You know, she's one of my best friends, and this really annoys me. What did you even want from her? You kissed her, Kian, is that just what you do? Do you go around kissing everyone? Is that just how you say 'Hello' or 'Bye'? You know what, your disgusting, what did you want to happen? You practically cheated on Andrea! Did you even like her in the first place, or were you just using her? Were you hoping for something more than a kiss? Your disgusting!'' Laura ranted.

''It was Connor!'' Kian blurted out.

Laura looked shocked, Chelsea was in shock aswell, she had never seen Laura that angry, she was afraid to breathe in case she annoyed her.

''C-Connor?'' Laura breathed, ''Do you have something to tell me? Or will I hear it from Kian?''

''I-I-'' Connor started, lost for words.

''It's nothing bad, well it kinda is, but Connor meant no harm by it, I swear!'' Kian said.

''Meant no harm by what?'' Laura asked, ''Be very careful with your answer here.'' she added.

''I really like you, okay?'' Connor said, ''And we knew Dannielle lik-liked o2l, and we knew she really liked Kian, so I asked him to come on the date with us! Andrea was never supposed to find out!''

''Then why did you kiss her, Kian?'' Laura asked.

''I wanted to give the impression I liked her, I mean, she's really pretty, but I have a girlfriend,''-''I know,'' hissed Laura.-''and I really like Andrea, but I thought maybe she'd be able to give a good word about Connor to you, you know? Like Connor said, Andrea was never supposed to find out, that was all Sam's fault! And we might be breaking up now anyway.'' Kian replied, breathless.

''It was nothing bad, Laura, he was just helping me out, don't blame him.'' Connor pleaded, looking at Laura, he was taller than her, but somehow felt small at that moment.

''You know what?'' Laura said, ''You're both disgusting, just leave me alone.''

''Laura plea-'' Connor started, but was interrupted by Chelsea saying, ''Just leave it Connor, can you not see what you've done, I've barely talked to you and I'm annoyed, Danni's my cousin, and you hurt her, so don't talk to me, Laura, or Danni again, okay?''

Connor sighed, he had messed everything up.

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