Second Best - Fastest Animal

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Occasionally Brian pops up a random question, and Google then gets deployed to find an answer. During a quick ponder the other day, Brian was thinking about running, something I rarely do, even for the bus. A quick search on the net noted that the Cheetah is, as many know, the fastest land animal (the currently record is currently held by a cheetah called Sarah, although how the interviewer was able to keep up with her to ask her her name is not something we know). 

Coming in a very close second, one mph slower though is the pronghorn antelope (see pic), native to N America (and no, we don't know if that one's called Sarah) which is able to run at 60mph, much faster than any of the N American predators. It's suggested that the antelope evolved originally to outrun a N American cheetah which is now extinct (probably from too much running). 

Apparently this particular antelope has evolved cushioned, pointed toes to absorb shock, and extra large organs to assist with air intake , nature's equivalent of Nike running shoes and a turbo engine one would assume. But if we gave the antelope a bit of coaching, some nice spandex shorts, and a set of starting blocks for Christmas, I'm wondering if perhaps Sarah's record can be beaten. 

Maybe the next evolutionary step will be a go faster stripe...

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