Trigger's Broom

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Only Fools and Horses spawned many legendary scenes, and for the older readers, particularly in the UK, it was a comedy series that families sat down to watch together, particularly the Christmas specials.

One of my favourite scenes, and perhaps one of the more geeky for that reason, was Trigger's Broom. Trigger was a street sweeper, and perhaps not the brightest crayon in the pack, but Roger Lloyd Pack played him superbly, and he often deadpanned his way through some wonderful lines (see clip).

"This old broom has had seventeen new heads and fourteen new handles in it's time."

"How the 'ell can it be the same broom then?"

"Well here's a picture of it, what more do you need?"

But the original version (maybe) is a philosophical paradox based on a relic supposedly preserved by the ancient Arthenians, The Ship of Theseus. Over to Plutarch...

"The ship wherein Theseus and the youth of Athens returned had thirty oars, and was preserved by the Athenians... for they took away the old planks as they decayed, putting in new and stronger timber in their place..."

The logical question of course being does the ship remain the same?

And of course, Trigger's Broom, The Ship of Theseus and other similar examples are an analogy for our own body. Every single molecule of your body has been replaced.

So, are you still you?

Happy Wednesday everyone =]

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