Simulation. Before death.

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Your POV

"It might pinch a little at first but then the pain will depend on your memories." A man, in green was taking about the simulation you were about to be put in on the same time as strapping something to your skull.

"You need to stay still and continue to breath normally. It will make the image, we receive clearer. Isabella and your coworker will be looking both at your memories and at your fears. There should be a memory for each important stage in your life. Love, loss, anger, grief Ect. As for the fears that all depends on the simulation. "

He was now about to strap both hands to your back. You nodded.

"You have nothing to do except breath normally and watch. Try not to get to emotional. Radiation will filter through the air vents as soon as I leave and you will simply keep breathing. Inhale the radiation and the procedure will start."

"What happens if I don't breath normally?"

"The image will not be very clear. But still clear enough to comprehend. Any questions?"

"Many but none of the ones you have in mind. How long will it take?"

"Depends on the person and how many traumatizing experiences they have had."

Great. It will take ages.

"Will my coworker see this?"
"Yes, he is to tell us if he recognizes some parts of the simulation."

The man turned around and walked out. He closed the door behind him and you were all alone in a small white room. Gas could be heard leaking from the vents but you couldn't see it.

You continued to breath normally. Your head started throbbing again.

A loud voice boomed from a 'microphone'.
"Continue breathing, the gas will kick in." Isabella said.

Your eyesight became blurry and spots appeared. You tried blinking fast to remove them but they wouldn't budge, so you finally decided to close your eyes shut.

You kept your breathing steady. You heard a crackling noise.

You opened your eyes. You were staring out a window. Your town was burning. You blinked. This was your town. You felt just like before you had been when you were in this situation. Ten. Afraid. Unsure. Terrified. You didn't know what to do.

Steve's POV
(Y/n) was watching a village burn. It looked medieval but that would just make sense. Isabella seemed confused though.

(Y/n) looked much younger on the screen. About nine-ish.

I watched what she could and the sight was horrible. I mean I had seen awful stuff but this was a genocide; this wasn't human.

But then this was war. A tear slipped from (y/n)'s check.

Men were being dragged out and executed in front of there family. Houses were burned. People were murdered. Some soldiers were coming near where  (y/n) was standing.

A lump formed in my throat.

Her family was lying on the floor. They all had the same family resemblance. Your parents were trying to tear her away from the window.

She crumbled to the ground on her knees and her eyes were watering.
I never seen (y/n) in that state. Not in the hospital room when she told me about Luc. Not when she was about to die. Not when she lost her powers. Never.

Her eyes were filled with hatred, anger, resentment but she didn't seem afraid. She seemed strong though I knew I wouldn't be after seeing it.

The soldiers. Steve Rogers/Captain America x readerWhere stories live. Discover now