Chapter 18

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**Spencer’s POV**

I don’t know what I’ve been doing for the last week and half…but whatever it was it wasn’t good.

I’ve been drinking every night, going out, getting drunk, getting laid, and then coming home…

The more I saw Rob and Lainey together the more I fell apart… which meant the more I went out trying to find some way to get fixed…

Of course doing this made getting up for work harder, but I didn’t have a choice.

It was breaking my heart to see them talking or laughing together… I couldn’t get away from it.

They were always at the house together or at school…and it was killing me.

I would occasionally see Lainey look over at me with pity, sympathy, and hurt in her eyes…but it would just make me angrier. How dare she look at me like that, this wasn’t my fault…right?

What hurt the most was the fact that Lainey didn’t even seem like she was hurt or bothered by any of this…and that just added more fuel to the fire. Did she even care at all about me? Did I mean anything to her?

The angrier I got the more self-destructive I was.


 It was Thanksgiving Day and I thought today would be the first day Lainey would be without her knight and shining armor…but I was wrong.

Rob parents were away for their anniversary and instead of spending it with his aunt and uncle, Lainey invited him over…great.

 Lucy (A.J and Laineys mom) sent A.J and I out to go shopping for dinner all morning.

“What’s up with you man?” A.J asked me as we walked down the aisle searching for canned cranberries.

“What do you mean?” I asked playing dumb.

“You’ve been pretty reckless this past week. I’m all for getting drunk and getting laid but I don’t know its not like you…” he said.

“It’s exactly like me…” I said with a little doubt.

“No. Its exactly like the old you. But you’ve grown up ever since you graduated and I’m proud of you man. It just seems like something’s going on to make you change…” A.J said.

No matter how close we are, I’d never be able to tell A.J what was really going on. He always knew that Lainey and I had a love hate relationship, but he knew that I cared for her like she was my sister…

But telling him that I was in love with his little sister who I always thought of as my little sister wouldn’t turn out to good…

I would never be able to tell anyone how I felt…I didn’t even get a chance to tell Lainey.

“Just stressed with work, and a little depressed cause this was my moms favorite holiday…” I said. The second part was true, and I knew that was really contributing to my downward spiral.

“Aw man… I can’t imagine how much it must suck to not be with your parents…” A.J said.

“Yeah…” I said as I tired to ignore the ache in my heart.

After that A.J left it alone and we continued shopping for the rest of the things on Lucy’s list.

After we were all done we went back to the house and set the shopping bags on the counter that’s when I saw Lainey coming into the kitchen. She was wearing on apron, her hair up in a messy bun, and there was flour on her face. I couldn’t help but look at her and smile.

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