Chapter 20

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This chapter is dedicated to all my friends, who have supported me throughout writing this story! I really enjoyed writing this chapter and this may be another favourite. So I hope you all enjoy it just as much. ;-)

Victoria was rubbing her hands back and forth. It was clear that whatever she had to say wasn't going to be particularly pleasant.
"Chillian," Victoria mumbled something inaudible, "told me to tell you that..." Charlotte and Lúthien cut in, "what do you mean: what's left of it?!"
Alex, who had been sitting silently in anxiety, instantly looked up in shock. He knew not to doubt the elves but this news was not something he wanted to hear.
Lúthien answered Victoria's confused reaction, revealing a small grin, "you forget. We're elves. Our senses are better than the senses of any other living being."
"Oh. Right. I am truly sorry. I did not mean to say it like that." Victoria lowered her eyes and stared at the floor feeling extremely guilty. Charlotte saw this and placed a hand on her shoulder, "don't worry about it. Just tell us what happened." Victoria slowly looked up and forced a smile on her lips.
"Well...let me start from the beginning...." She explained everything she knew in full detail: how Chillian had been taken over by the orcs due to the fact that they had not received their gem; how a rebellion had started but all who had taken part were killed; how some of the people had fled to safer places and how a terrible war was coming.

Alex stood up and sat beside Charlotte, putting his arms around her. Charlotte felt like the world had crashed down upon her. Not knowing how to react, Charlotte stared up at the sky. Angered but confused she shook her head, "no. No. No, this is isn't possible. You must've made a mistake. It can't be. It just can't..." She began sobbing and rested her head on Alex's shoulder.
Sympathetically, Lúthien watched the two as they took in the news. He had experienced similar things in his life and so knew what they were going through.
"What I don't understand is why the orcs attacked Chillian. Charlotte told me that the orcs gave them time to search for the gem." He told Victoria.
"That's the thing. They gave you time but your time has run up. You only got 5 days and it's been over 2 weeks." Victoria replied solemnly.
"What? 2 weeks!" Lúthien was astonished. Time had flown by so quickly. Charlotte lifted her head and sighed, "so this is all my fault! I should've been faster!"
"No. This isn't your fault. How is it your fault that we couldn't find some bloody gem that was lost years ago!" Alex laughed at the thought.
"But Charlotte, I still have a message from Chillian for you. Do you want me to show you?" Victoria questioned.
"Yes please."
With a click of her fingers, Victoria made a blurry image appear. It was a hologram. Charlotte's eyes widened, "Is that who I think it is?"
Victoria smiled, "yes, it is. But now everyone please be quiet. They're about to talk."
Slowly, the blurry image turned into focus.
Just like Charlotte had rightly recognised, Charlotte's grandma appeared.

"Hello Charlotte. If you are watching this, then Victoria has managed to find you. I hope you are well and Alex too. The night you left, I knew something had happened so I went outside and saw your letter. Don't worry, I'm not angry! In fact the opposite. I am incredibly proud of you.

Anyway, a terrible terrible thing has happened. The orcs have breached the borders and have taken over. I don't know how long we'll be able to hold on any longer so I look to our last hope: you. I'm sure Victoria has already explained what has happened so I won't go into anymore detail. There's something I need to tell you. I was going to tell you when you turned 15 but obviously certain events have prevented it. Instead, I will tell you now. You may already have realised that you are very special. Unique. The cloud princess came to me and told me that she had met you and had told you about your powers. Telepathy, casting spells, teleportation, the whole lot. I know you won't have mastered your spells yet but that is not important. When you were younger, I made sure to teach you Latin which is the magic tongue. All you need to do now is think of what you want and say it. But I'm sure you already know this.
But what I really wanted to say is, Charlotte  when or if you find the gem, I want you to destroy it. Not everyone is as pure of heart as you and so they will not be able to wield it without becoming possessed. You are the only person left in this world who has the power to destroy it. If it falls into the wrong hands, chaos will reign. Find it and destroy it before someone else does. However, there is a problem. You cannot destroy the gem with any weapon. Sword, bow, dagger, nothing will work. Except magic! And there is only one curse that will work. It is a curse formed by the ancient rulers. I would tell you but I personally do not know what it is. But when the time is right, you will know.

Word has come out that there is a young elf who has the power to destroy the gem. So people will be out looking for you! You must be careful! Trust only few. I wish you good luck!
There is one last thing I want to tell you. It is about your parents. Your mother, she is...." The image began to flicker. "Charlotte, I want to tell you something but I have to go! The orcs are coming for me! Someone must have told them that I have tried to contact you! I love you!" And with that the connection was lost and Charlotte's grandma disappeared. A long silence stretched on as everyone took in what had just been said. Trying to forget all the negative news, Alex jumped up and chuckled, "let's go find this bloody gem!"

I hope you all enjoyed that chapter! What do you think of Charlotte's grandma's news? I will update the next chapter if we reach 40 reads on this chapter! I hope you all had a great Christmas and are enjoying the holidays! I wish you all a happy new year!
Snowflake163 x

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