Under the Wing preview

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So here is chapter 1 of under the wing. If you like it go check it out

My Name is Kaelyn. It is the year 2016. I was just a normal 18 year old girl who loves to dance. I even have a crew. Together we are called the Nerdy nerds.We originally had 5 in the group but now we have 6. It's me, max, Eddie, Ariana, Bridget and Niall. Yes. Niall Horan from One DIrection

But the thing is, There is no One Direction.

I can tell you want an explaination. Well, lets go back 4 years ago. When One Direction started to go downhill. When I met Niall and when there were only 5 in my group.

Like it? It's called Under the wing. Go check it out.

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